6 / 27
Mar 18

this already happaned in a "captain pigeon" "The world of legends" crossover.
Alise is charged with arson and theft.

Something she actually does in the series.
+property damage, assault, abuse, environmental destruction, Illigel mining, coercion, threat, Implied 1st degree murder

Alicia is probably in court for parking tickets if we're creating non-canon events. She has been in court before, but that was because her mother was losing custody of her and her little brother.

Zeta Toad would probably be on trial for murder, robbery, aggravated battery, assault, seducing royalty, aiding and abetting criminals, extortion, taking advantage of the vulnerable, aggravated burglary, arson, and so on. All of these would grant him a one-way ticket to Alakazam.

Compaired to Alise it reminds me of the scene from Heavy metal were they read all the Charges against Captain Lincoln F. Sternn. With this long list of things he did and at the end: "and one Moving violation" :joy:

If Raikiri was to end up in court,
it would totally be for property destruction

Lionne in The Fake Saintess Doesn't Want to Save the World (yet to be introduced in uploaded chapters) would be facing charges for lèse-majesté and probably also assault and maybe treason (just for cursing and throwing a punch or something to that effect, but still). Not canon tho - at least as of now...

They don't like authority figures and have a long way to go in sorting out who exactly they are angry at all the time. Moreover, most of the authority figures in the story are trash, so really lionne's defense would be that the royal in question deserved it. And they would probably be right :lion_face:


- murder
- rape
- attempted murder
- attempted rape
- incitement to commit mass murder and suicide
- false advertising

- I didn't really do most of my crimes. It's idiots on their own free will who killed themselves and others. Its idiots who gave me legal rights to their minds, bodies, and souls. Besides, a demon has to eat. It's my nature to consume negative energy. How am I evil for following my nature? A lion is a carnivore. Is a lion evil?

Felix: Trespassing on private property while looking for missing brother
Bruno: Playing football
August: Heresy for speaking against the use of indulgences
William: Violating The Weight of Bread and Ale Act of 1266
Samuel: Road rage

ChiLiang:picking a foght with a deity, on his cell the phrase "The apple never fall too far from the tree"

Well, I have done something like a court scene:

That said, Aramis' crimes are yet to be revealed! He's spending a lot of effort keeping them under wraps:

Probably something embarrassing, though!

Oh, mine aren't in criminal court. It's a civil matter. To see who really does own neko N7337.

Detlef stole one page of a book about dating in a book store and
got sent to a high security prison for the crime