225 / 936
Aug 2020

“Five fools we never needed.” Okarg grinned at Malach.


What she was saying was impossible, which meant I was either surrounded by insane people, or I was dying somewhere off Interstate 40 imagining all of this nonsense.

I’m not giving Plainwood enough credit; they weren’t primitive, they were just… abnormal. Relatively, I mean. Hyper-intelligent giraffes dancing the polka are abnormal to everyone except their friends who are also hyper-intelligent giraffes dancing the polka.

Well, not exactly extinct, but kept in controlled habitats and cultivated for food, owing that their flesh tasted so good.


“I’m not your sister.”

The scent of her fear, and the succulent feast that she would make had his senses on song.


She couldn’t think of the Laichanan to be anything more than mindless savage half-beasts, similar in nature to wolves and wild dogs.


A chief in the making, Maedra thought. But without a village, a chief of what.


Those were blissful and carefree times - without the burden of adulthood, its responsibilities and crimes.


“It’s a damned new born.” Yuma laughed out loud.


Let's see if I can find some good ones:
Genre: High Fantasy Medical Drama
"You...were a contract killer?"
"In a sense?"
"It was a good job for a university application, its often taken by noble children."

Genre: High Fantasy Graphic Horror Very heavy gore, language and images: Makes Saw look like a kids movie
"You...monster!" one screamed, "How could you?" he asked motioning around him, I just laughed
"Do I look like I care?"

Genre: High Fantasy LGBT Romance
"Through, all me to freely admit, I never expected the prince of Xator to be such an adorable man, if I had known, I would have thrown my hat in the ring for a stake at peace."
"Ex-excuse me?"

Genre: Science Fiction Futurism Romance
"Just...you're very respective of what I say. You react and act like we've known each other for years. I mean, you did kiss me after knowing me for two days."
"Am I not allowed to be...spontaneous?" I asked, boy do I regret saying that.

Genre: Low Fantasy Magic College Slice of Life +POC LGBT MC
"And...because of what that magic was...I'm stuck looking like a f---- Halloween decoration for a few day!" they added, sounding quite upset.
Line was censored for the forum, but isn't in the novel

Genre: Low Fantasy Goth Drama/Comedy with a spot of romance and some darker themes
"Why would I need a place to hide out?"
"I don't know: family troubles, committed murder, committed a few war-crimes, treason...the usual" she said

Hope one of these intrigues someone to check out my novels, I've got a lot of chapters, so it took a few minutes to find the best out of context sentences.

This line should be out in the next update but I really like it and want to turn it into a shirt or something. That and I want it to be a reacquiring joke.

"I am not a druid!!! I am a sorcerer!"

The healer dusted off gray flakes of ash from his ochre skin and baggy garment tied at the waist with a rope, indifferent to being left behind and in no hurry to administer medical help. His muscular, vein-threaded arms and legs stuck out of the hemp fabric stamped over with a barcode. The limbs were a little long for his body, giving him an unexpectedly coltish appearance, almost vulnerable; if not mistreated, then forlorn. The frayed edges of fabric gave the same impression, particularly next to the slave collar of some dull metal. It hung loosely around the neck, weighed with a keepsake that hid under the garment--a ring? a locket?--but Sebastian doubted it could be removed.

The toaster sucked him in.

Over its broad left shoulder this giant had two large sacks slung, leaking dark red blood at the bottom.


“Yes... did see her?” Arden took a step toward him, his steel blue eyes wide in apprehension. “Where and when?”


“Yes, they are real, and I have met a few...” He was amused at the way the others shifted around nervously at the mention of the Alvaine.


“But what of the children?” Maedra asked with a horrified look on her face.
