Oh, thanks for the tip. I'm new to this website.
I can? OK. https://tapas.io/episode/1869277
That's great, isn't it?
Noctave - Dia -
I find trouble with vehicles, but that's because I don't draw them often. Everything else is fine.
I've got a story called Cosmic Love that's a gxg novel. I don't have enough time to make a full comic, but I do always draw out my thumbnails.
Do you still need someone for your project? Because I'm open to it.
Drink as much as you like. If you die, so what?
I'm always up for hamburgers.
Add me into the ring.
I don't it see it anywhere.
Then how I delete my series? I can't figure anything out here.
How do you copy and paste the word doc? I only see file upload.
@ratique It isn't taking word files, what do I do?
Does it take Word Files?
I see, but what file types does Tapas allow you to upload?
Fine, I'll wait for some one else to tell me.
What is the process for making a novel?
Well, I won't mourn it too much.
A couple. Patience is a virtue there.
I don't do R4Rs, only Share Your Stories.
I'm Cute Cobra, known as NotARussianBot over on Wattpad. I'll still post on Wattpad, but I'll check out this place.