221 / 236
Aug 2020

Pointing out common clichés and tropes in a genre will open to a great discussion. Nobody will ever get butt hurt! Especially if you keep it civil and discussing it in a light-hearted, non-demeaning way! Guaranteed.

Make sure your story is only appealing to a niche crowd and then also make sure you have no connections nor money with which to advertise your story to this specific crowd. To make double-sure you don't grow big, consider mixing bits of ideology into your work in order to filter out those who would've otherwise been interested.

But whatever you do, do not become self-aware.

And if you do, have this playing 24/7 on loop while you write. It will rebuild your confidence so that you can keep up the good work.

Learn from the best, kiddos.

brb having existential crisis

Bonus advice: Make sure you're wrapped in just enough irony that nobody can tell whether you're shooting for a pity party or just taking the piss out of yourself.

remember kids if you find white stuff in a bag SNIFF IT ALL IMMEDIATELY.

You should make a point to complain about boyslove again. Seriously, I'm sure nobody has heard your hot take and theyre just ignoring it because they don't appreciate your vision.

Make a comic based off of a a really inappropriate fanfic. I hear cringe is all the rage these days.

Approach an artist you've never met/spoken to before with a giant project you want them to do and offer to pay them with "exposure".

Base your whole identify and self-worth around a single show/film/game. If someone doesn’t like said franchise, DESTROY THEM.

If you can't think of any good ideas, just drink enough that the bad ideas seem like good ones!

When asking for a review immediately slay the reviewer if they ever say anything close to negative to your work. Obviously they are too smooth brained to see your brilliance and not just sing your praises. If your audience, your existing detractors and the cops ask why you did it, tell them " The reviewer clearly didn't get it"

New one: make sure your first impression with some random stranger is saying what an amazing, experienced, and well rounded artist you are. Then link them to the comic you draw on notebook paper with a number two pencil and take photos of on your phone. That'll prove it.

Ha! Who needs pencil? I just jump right in with my dollar store Bic ball point ink pens! Those aren't mistakes, that's just my style!

that actually is a good way to learn a little control with your mark making, pen sketching is quite liberating bc your mistakes can be let go in favor of doing more drawing.

but for a finished drawing not so much XD

(I know lol, I'm poking fun of myself there. I'm stubborn and mostly draw in ballpoint pen :joy:)