2 / 19
May 2015

Hello guys! This will be my first post and I don't know if I did it correctly so... uhh... don't hurt me! T.T

Anyway, whenever we lose subscribers I always get this sad feeling and ask myself what did we do wrong? I wanna ask you guys if ever you unsubscribe what are your reasons? Maybe I could get an idea from you to avoid doing it on our comic.

Thank you!

  • created

    May '15
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Either because I no longer care for the story, either because it got really sidetracked or the characters don't have enough character development for me, but that doesn't happen that much so I don't unsubscribe that much.

I'm at a point where Im subscribed to more stories that I can keep track of. When I come across a story I've subscribed to but never got around to reading for whatever reason. I unsubscribed to keep my list more organised.
Reasons I never got around to it? I didn't get hooked straight away. I lost track of where I was (if its a very long comic) etc.

I only unsubscribe when I have a death in the family that leaves me utterly bereft of the will to live, much less enjoy the simple pleasure of an online serial. does this help you?

I'm in the same boat as Elm. Sometimes I'll subscribe to a series that looks visually interesting, or has a nice concept, and then I just get caught up in all the other stories I wanna read and it gets left behind. Need to get better about actually putting aside time to read more, haha!

The strip seems have run out of ideas or gets repetitive and is no longer entertaining.

  1. I'm no longer interested in the story.
  2. The author is giving me way too many notifications through their wall.
  3. The author says or does something really offensive that I can no longer support them in good conscience.

Expanding the first item:
a. I subscribed thinking I'll check out the comic later. Turns out it wasn't really my bag of tea.
b. I've been following the comic for a while, and it got less interesting.

The "it wasn't interesting enough to keep my attention" thing is quite fascinating. There could be a myriad different reasons for it. Sometimes it means the author has made a mistake; other times, it's just the specific reader's tastes and you can't really do anything about it.

I've only unsubscribed from a series maybe once or twice, or even deliberately chose not to subscribe to a series because I just didn't care for it. I believe I made this point in another thread asking a similar question, but one example of a series I subscribed to was one that ended up just becoming a "i'm dark and depressing and urgh" which was originally a funny comic and then just turned into . . . well, that.

Stuff that reads like teenage angst just sounds like frivolous complaining to me, and I don't enjoy reading that because it just makes me go "Well. . . uh . . . hmm . . . am I supposed to feel bad for this or react to it?" That's just me though, as I have a ridiculously low rate of handing out sympathy. It just pisses me off. That was like, the one rare occurrence where I deliberately unsubscribed. Haven't liked the comic since.

I basically don't want to read anything that's just a sappy diary. I read lots of comics already that are based on people's lives, but I read the entertaining ones that are based on people's lives, whether they're funny or silly or just make me smile. Comics that are built on "My life sucks, here's my depressing story" just turn me off big time.

Other than that, I haven't really unsubscribed from any other comics, so that's really my biggest peeve so far ^^^^

I'm guilty of this as well xDDD There are some comics I should actually unsubscribe from considering I haven't followed them in well, ever >.>

My only unsubs so far have been because the creator posts too much to their wall.
My sub list isn't really a sub list as much as it is 90% "This looks neat, read it later" so I don't have much reason to unsub story-wise.

For whatever reason, most of my comic's unsubs seem to happen on update days, so I now wait several days before posting a thanks message to someone's wall just in case. My guess is that people subbed and then didn't like how the story was turning out or didn't care for it after all.

Most of these guys above me state my reasons but the one reason I didn't see is actually something that happens to me often. I'll sub after reading a big chunk of the story, then as the weeks go by I slowly start to loose what was happening. This is either due to lack of updates or just the story doesn't hold well in a way that you get very short snippets of it. Some stories I can only read if its already finished off, usually very silent comics or ones that involve lots of characters that you have to remember but can go months without seeing.

At least thats what will do it for me. I loose track of whats happening and then loose motivation in going back to refresh my memory.

I don't necessarily unsubscribe from them, but I lose interest in a story or I forget what is happening because it doesn't update often enough. This results in me either ignoring the comic every time I get a notification from it saying it has updated, or I simply unsubscribe. It is unfortunate that this happens because I realize life can get in the way of being able to update often -that's why I don't necessarily unsubscribe. If I have time to catch up with the plot again (aka reread the comic) so that I know whats going on, I will -but only if the creator begins updating the comic more regularly again.

Although I find creators who post too much on their wall irritating, this doesn't cause me to unsubscribe. I just mark it as read and move on with my routines.

The only other reasons I can think of for unsubscribing is if the story becomes dull or the jokes are horrific. I don't mind offensive comics, as long as these aren't serious or the offense is an important part of the plot/character/etc. but if the offense is pointless, then I will probably unsubscribe.

Well I've only done it 4 times but the other two don't necessarily count because the other two were by the same author who made a website for one and moved to smackjeeves for the other and decided to no longer update on Tapastic, so I unsubscribed on Tapastic and now follow these comics elsewhere. Now the last two were also by one author but unlike the first author I unsubscribed entirely, why? Well that person barely updated both series and then almost completely deleted one of the ones I was following to "revamp" the whole thing even though it was fine the way it was -_- not only that, they also uploaded a new series...and the episodes were locked at the time, so I unsubbed completely. I know my reasons may seem petty but I found it to be rather annoying.

Most of the series I unsubbed from was because all of the updates were to locked episodes. There were also a couple comics ALWAYS featured on comic snack so I felt like there was no point keeping them on my list. Aside from that sometimes gag comics just stop being funny and story comics turn out to not be my cup of tea.

The main two reasons I unsubscribe to anything are either because I've simply lost interest in the comic for one reason or another (typically due to the plot going in a direction I'm less interested in or some similar reason) though I think I've only unsubscribed to one or two comics for that reason, OR because a comic hasn't updated in a while and there's no indication that it will at any point in time. A creator saying they gotta take a month or two hiatus due to reasons is fine, but I'll probably unsubscribe if updates just stop spontaneously for months with no explanation. Unless I liked the comic enough to at least hope that it will one day return. So yeah, general loss of interest or unexplained lack of activity are the main reasons for me.

Deux reasons:

  1. Too long of a story
  2. I just don't are anymore

I'll keep reading just about anything but I get bored easily....so yeah

I've answered this question before on several forums, but concerning to tapastic specifically, I find that most of the stuff I've unsubscribed from are gag a days that have gone stale, or turned into drama, or resorted to using the same f**king jokes as 12 other gag a days I've previously read that I ironically don't even followed but saw because I got spammed in my inbox, phone, facebook and whatever else tapastic likes push that on. (example" "I'm gonna be productive today!!!" stares at screen/goes on internet/does something or does nothing but still gets the end result of not being productive. "Ohhh nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo11111!!!11111111one")

But yeah... that seems to be the biggest thing.

I rarely unsubscribe though, but if I do it's either for that reason, or because it's been on hiatus for over a year, or the story and arts progressively gets worse (I'm not talking about chapter 1 redraws) and all the artist does is complain about the series or how they would rather be doing something else with their time, because at that point the artist really doesn't care so why should I?

I also unsubscribed from a few where I thought it was going to be interesting or cute from the summery, so I subscribed to read it later, only to find out it was a highly opinionated preachy, every other character but the main character is stupid/wrong and I/the author/in the form of the main character will tell them exactly why they are wrong and that I/the main character am both a smarter and better person.

I'm a completionist, so I have to read everything of the things I subscribe to smiley But if I've read it all and the comic is finished I might take it off my list. Unless it's really good, then I keep it on my list in case someone wants to look through my list for tips on what to read.

And that takes us to reason number two why I would unsubscribe. I can start subscribing to a comic because I want to check it out (sometimes there are comics that take some time to get into so I give it some time) but if later it's not a comic I feel that into I take it off my list both for my sake and for others. The reading list is public for a reason, right? To find new comics I look at other peoples reading list to find tips, so I see my list as the same "recommended list" for others and that's why my list is mostly made up of the same type of comic I make myself: comedy strip comics like Gamercat I also like adventure comics like Jackie Rose1

I haven't unsubscribed once, but if I were to do that, the only reason would be if the artist is posting constantly on their wall.

  1. because I no longer care for the story or it becomes extremely slow and boring
  2. I lose interest on what is going to happen next

that is all...