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- May 19, '18
- Last Post
- Nov 17, '18
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- Nov 18, '18
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I personaly would be happy with one fan , someone who loves my comic , who cares about it as i care for favourite movies , series , comic ,etc...that's it , i just want a fan and i would be happy to finish a comic for just one guy who truly cares.

My family was positive about me drawing well but my mom dislikes very much anime and was telling me that they are ungly , what she saw was dragon ball characters and she thought that i am drawing monsters but she didnt tell me to stop , she just complains sometimes about it.
And right at the moment she would close the door , she heard her dad's voice ''where are you going?!!'' she then turn suddenly and...
it's doesn't look good because the cirlce cuts the face but who cares.[image]
I've done the mistake of uploading without buffer and it turn out bad , i personally now prefer to draw at least 3-4 chapters and then start upload , it usually takes me 2 days to draw a page , sometimes more. I personally want the reader to be encaged with my story from the first update , one page …
[image]I realy love ajin's style and i try my best to make my work look alike , plus i love the story and the action in it , i also love the action in tokyo ghoul , the story no so much but i read it , it's realy helpfull .
Being somebody is an illusion , what you are is constantly changing as you exist in the flow of time and you are experiencing the changes in the world around you, you can not be steadfast in a universe that is constantly changing, an energy that constantly transforms and interacts with itself .
hahaahah me too XD!!
hahah you are a funny guy.
yeah i know, but human beings tend to want to expirience for themselves things , like when you dad says to you don't do that it will turn bad to your life but still you want to see for yourself and i think that's a good think to experience stuff...i don't maybe i'm wrong here , but thanks for the re…
How far would you? i mean i have this idea about a stalker and i thought maybe i should stalk som epeople to see how it feels, i don't know maybe i'm a psychopath or something haha , do you think it's ok? , i mean i won't hurt them or anything or record them or do anything except follow them to thei…
Watch others work , action comics , it really helped me to decide what my fight scenes want to look like.
it sounds fun , can't wait, i'm so curious , damn!
I hate them , they are...pathetic like me.
Hmm what can i say about mine...i think i like his crazyness.
Then why don't you put away some money till you have the amount you need?
Don't you have stray dogs in canada? we have a lot in greece , so i would recommend to adopt a stray dog , then you will only have to pay for food and vaccines.
I personally just get too excited to show to the world my story , i don't care if my art is good enough , i only care to deliver the story the way i imagine it.
Just go for a walk at the park .