

Fremantle, Australia kaydreamer.carrd.co/

I'm the creator of Blue Star Rebellion!

Illustrator and chronic daydreamer from the sunny port town of Fremantle.
ADHD. (Actually a Mess Pixie.)

Jan 15, '21
Last Post
Aug 2, '22
4 days
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Enemies to lovers is actually one of my favourite tropes, but that's because I also love redemption arcs - and that's where I think a lot of people go wrong. IMO, enemies to lovers with one character having the kind of backstory which contains truly monstrous acts only works if the villain involved …

Just dropping Ebisu here, this is such a fantastic comic. It's written and illustrated by a couple of friends of mine. And my comic will eventually deal with a father-son relationship as a side-plot, but that relationship is, uh... not a happy one, that's for sure. That's not being tackled for …

I couldn't agree more! And not only is it far more impactful, they're so much fun to draw. I don't tend to add many extra lines when I do it, but I do a lot of stretching and squashing. [image][image][image][image]

I agree with this. What seems to be considered 'best practice' for launching a new series, especially on webtoon, is to upload three episodes, but upload them all at once. Together, the three provide a really engaging entry into the series, and alone, they're more representative of the length future…

I recently moved from a 12.9" iPad Pro to a 22" Cintiq Pro, and it's A M A Z I N G. I was starting to develop some wrist pain using the 12" iPad screen - nothing serious, but enough that I was getting worried. The Cintiq has made that almost entirely disappear, since I'm naturally using more of my…

My MC's solitude is something he doesn't really enjoy, and he does get somewhat moribund about it. But I don't think he's too different, functionally, from the person you're describing. People tend to have friends because spending time with others whose company they enjoy is one of their favourite…

There are three things I'll point out regarding mobile viewing here. A mobile reader could be trying to read your comic in a variety of conditions, including outdoors - which will make dark colours very hard to see or understand. I'd brighten things up here. Likewise, phone screens are small, and…

I don't really formally 'edit', and that's because editing is kinda baked into my writing process itself. My process is very... chaotic. I'm not a proper pantser - I mostly know where I'm going with my story - but I script whatever scene pops into my head at the time, between whatever characters, …

My current story, Blue Star Rebellion, is my first ever comic. It was originally intended to be a side-story I could use to refine my skills, branching off a much bigger project I intend to start on next. But, as all the things I make tend to do, it wound up becoming waaaaay bigger than I initially …

I reformatted from page to scroll when I first started, and was still working in page format. It wasn't until I started reformatting that my comic started really growing, through staff picks and such. It's really unusual for a page-format comic to be selected for front-page features on Webtoon, re…

I use Komika! It's free for personal and commercial use, and is one of those fonts which doesn't draw attention to itself, so it doesn't pull a reader out of the story. The biggest reason I chose it over other, more popular options though is because it has a lowercase version. That's vital for my…

I thought at first by 'extras' you meant large casts of side characters, and as I'm trying to slowly wrangle my very large cast into the story, I was curious to see what people had to say. :joy: But I see you mean 'extra content'. This is an interesting conundrum, because people who post content weekly…

Webtoon seems to be moving to a seasons model now as well, thank god. :grimacing: One of my favourites, The Croaking,' is on a season break at the moment - hopefully a lengthy one - but up to this point, the creator had been releasing 70+ panel episodes with NO breaks for over a year, at least. She has a style…

WEBTOON originals are free-to-read, while Tapas Originals are not. That's the biggest difference IMO, as it impacts your potential readership - and a smaller readership will negatively impact the potential Patreon revenue you can pick up from any bonus content adjacent to your comic. Beyond that,…

From what I've figured out from speaking with the community of creators on the WEBTOON Discord, a big part of the discrepancy regarding what gets censored and what doesn't is genre-based. A romance will see them be a little more lenient about sexual scenarios. A horror will see them be a little more…

I typically read on my desktop, because I spend most of my day sitting in front of it anyway. But my favourite thing to read on is my iPad. Big, luscious screen, so I can properly appreciate the art, but far more ideal for scrolling, and way more immersive than a desktop.

I'm the opposite. :grin: I started off making my comic in page format, but I struggled with composition and pacing, and generally found actually laying out a page to be frustrating and tedious. Not to mention, if I wanted to add in an extra panel here or there, I'd be tossing out a handful of thumbnailed …

My first go-to is what each character does which makes the other character laugh. Humour plays a huge role in relationships for me. It keeps them light, it keeps and fun, and it keeps people falling in love with each other over and over for decades. So, what does one character do which the other o…

'Pages' is the wrong way to think about Webtoon. If you're hoping to be successful there, you want to think in 'episodes'. How many panels does it take you to convey a story beat? How long does that take you to draw? Is it possible to split that story beat into smaller yet still satisfying segmen…

You're welcome! Glad I could help. :blush:

Here's my go-to reference for professional comic art pricing. These are in Australian dollars. Just add together the various things you'll be doing - thumbnails + pencilling + inking + lettering, it seems - and that'll give you a ballpark estimate. From there, make sure you consider how long it t…

I don't think teasing is cruel, as long as you know the person being teased isn't hurt by it. And someone being teased by a person close to them may find it simultaneously annoying/embarrassing AND funny - those things aren't mutually exclusive. Tolerances for teasing vary between individuals, and…

I'm not very active on any Discord servers other than the official Webtoon Canvas one, but this is applicable pretty broadly; I find streaming in the Voice Chat really helps me stay on task. Can't duck off to do a thousand other things when you have an audience. :joy: So long as the people you're shari…

The MC of Blue Star Rebellion would give almost anything to go back to the 'normal' life he used to live, with the people he loved. He was never one to crave adventure, and he loved the life he had. The loss of it haunts him. For my next project, though, I have an MC who starts out aspiring to be…

Number 2 is the one I find most enjoyable and memorable when I come across it. Somebody already mentioned Breaking Bad as one effective example of this. I'll also note that classical literature doesn't shy away from it, either. The example which springs to mind for me is 'Lolita'. That book is no…

Somebody said Elves? [image] [image] [image]

I made that switch early on in my comic's run, and for me, it was absolutely, 100% worth it. I can't stress that enough. My audience began to grow faster after having done it, and a few months after that, I got a major feature in a WEBTOON collection during the CANVAS festival. :confetti_ball: They don't tend to f…

I have a couple I really love! Horror usually isn't my cup of tea, but I'm a big fan of these two:

I'd encourage you to lean into the vertical style, unless you're absolutely dead-set on printing your work one day. It's vastly more popular, and you'll have a far easier time acquiring readers with a vertical format. I started off working in page format, and switched to vertical after a couple of m…

Here's my comic! I feel very lucky to have a few readers who've loved it enough that they've gifted me ink. :two_hearts: If you give it a read, I hope you enjoy it!