
Evangeline Ridgaway

Project Manager & mother of two by day, currently working on my first (non-fanfic) webnovel by night!

I have already subscribed and look forward to reading!!!!

I'm not sure whether omegaverse is a dirty word or not now, but there are a lot of stigma in it which.... is understandable, to say the least. Though, I personally have a long history of love-hate relationship with the genre (lol). I'm a sucker for soulmate stories, so the fated pair aspect always…

Aww thank you for the mention!! I’ve sadly only had the chance to read 2 episodes so far, but I can't wait to actually have time to binge because I really love the premise of this novel! Since you can't share it, I'll share it here for you. (Also, awesome that you had someone do a fanfic!!)

Wow, an Omegaverse where things are not all sunshine and rainbows! I'm in! Thanks for sharing! :blush:

Thanks for sharing! I do try to stay ahead of my schedule but never manage to do it for more than 3 chapters >.< From yours and a few other comments I guess staying ahead will be the most appropriate solution.

I currently have two BL/LGBTQ+ on Tapas, though I've struggled with genre tags for both. ^^ Outside of the leads, there are other LGBTQ+ characters as well. The Sound of You is an MM romance slice of life about a visually-impaired boy (well, 21) who meets a guitarist and is instantly attracted to …

3 has the most dynamic energy from those samples... better fit for the genre.

So I remember back when we used to have loads of these threads going around and I haven't seen one for aaaages, so why not do one myself? After all I've got a new novel so it's back on the grind to build up that visibility. So the game is, I post a word and you post a passage from your novel re…

So ... I'm very biased against this trope so take everything I say about it with a grain of salt. Unless the triangle results in a polyamorous triad or V relationship I personally can't stand love triangles. :joy: To me, they're a tired trope that often perpetuates this idea that there is only one right …

Thanks. I will check out their website.

I love the commitment to answering [:heart_01:] and I could tell it was a reincarnation/transmigration type story from the answers @MK_Wizard seems like you created a decent balance for them and made them as foils for your story @ShoresofAcadie [:cry_02:] this is so sad. I take it he become a …

Thank you sm! I was greatly worried I'd offend someone and that's the last thing I want to do. I'll post my chapters now.

I think you've done more than enough and your consideration will be greatly appreciated by your readers.

Oh dear, in my very early stories (the dark past) I made the mistake of not having the overall plot written, and I got totally lost in my own story after 2 or 3 chapters, which led me to dropping the whole thing out. Thankfully it wasn't anything I published anywhere hahaha. So I usually have at …

Though I do believe a balance has to be struck between plot moment and characters moments. I can watch a show with terrible plot but excelent characters, I cannot watch a show with great plot but uninteresting characters. So I tend to believe character > plot any day of the week... But having bo…

Though I think plot is important, I tend to put the characters first in my comics, as it is usually what the readers (at least me, as a reader) relate to and get attached to. I think having lovable, funny or charismatic characters is what hooks the readers at first, and then they continue reading if…

For my main story, I was initially planning on doing a really basic “staring at each other” type of cover... except I realized it didn’t fit my characters or the vibe of the story entirely. So, with Jake and Damien looking opposite directions, it signifies how different their view of the world is…

Thank you so much :blush: I've read, liked, and commented on your episode. By the way, I like your title and book cover.

So proud that are new writers on Tapas [:heart_01:] Also your covers are GREATTTT! @Donley @starrilune19 @vinoff @Jwebtoons @ShoresofAcadie I gave some likes, but I'd take my time to read some novels :slight_smile: @Lemon_Demon thanksssss I'm doing my bestt @Jwebtoons Don't forget that you link to show the i…

I have a MC on the autistic spectrum - Gage. While I’m not autistic myself, I do have C-PTSD, which has resulted in sensory issues like misophonia, constant anxiety (especially in social situations), a range of stimming behaviours to deal with anxiety, problems with certain foods, and a need for …