
Top Jim Comics

Southern Indiana

Jun 29, '15
Last Post
Sep 28, '22
May 8, '24
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One thing I think you have to consider is who is taking the most risk. If you collaborate with an artist and it doesn't work out, then you can take your story and find another artist. Or you write a novel from it. The artist, however, all of that work is at best part of a portfolio. All of thei…

This one got 14, but it was my blatant ploy to get more viewers by including the characters from a TON of other webcomics.

Oh my passive aggressive nature so wants to set a reminder to revive this post in about a year... :smiley:

Full-time electrical engineer here doing embedded software development. I got interested in drawing comics in high school, but I've only had one art class my entire life. As far as writing goes, I guess my only experience is running role playing games for my friends. Jim

This was a long time ago, but it's always been my favorite strip. For context I was doing a series on Robohub dealing with automated driving and the difficulty programmers will face when it comes to "no win" scenarios. [image]

I wish I had more oomph to participate, but I just wanted to comment that every morning I come in to work looking forward to seeing the updates on this thread!

Here's a robot I designed that I fizzled out of energy on to complete a comic: [image]

I love robots (I have two robot comics I'm doing). I'll try and get drawn but here's some from inktober 2018 that I did. [image] (EDIT: My caption on this one was "Policebot is not amused by your shennanigans!")[image][image][image]more

There's a website that I think is for this, but I'm not crazy familiar with it:

I think everything you said is right on point. Yes, don't tie your self worth to your "numbers", but doggone it who writes a story expecting that it will never be read or heard? I mean if you sit at a table with your friends and go "hey guys, you should have been there last night, what a great sto…

Don't make less than minimum wage. I'm not sure how high to go, but always set your floor. So if you put 30 hours in, it seems like the lowest you should ask would be $217.50?

Yeah, I'd like to know where the "Score" came from.

I posted in another forum about this, but I have FSHD (facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy). It's a degenerative muscle disease that's inherited yet somehow I was a lucky "spontaneous" case. Unlike DMD, it doesn't kill you when you're young, but it affects skeletal muscle. My shoulders are inc…

I have muscular dystrophy, a type called FSHD. It's a degenerative muscle disease where I gradually lose muscle strength (often asymmetrically). It started with me losing my ability to raise my arms above my head in high school, then my facial muscles got weak on my left side. Most recently (a co…

Today marks the 10 year anniversary of when I uploaded the first episode of Nate the Robot (my main webcomic). I wish I had something exciting to show for it, but I don't. When I started, my oldest had just started school and my youngest was a toddler. Finding time to re-learn how to draw, lear…

But what if you're fighting tall grass?

I've been researching this too. So far I've found a couple options, but I think I'm going to settle on Etsy, and use Gooten to do print on demand. They are able to integrate with Etsy which is nice. Probably the worse bummer is you can't have a custom URL, you have to redirect.

I'm working on rewriting my comic to have more of these. One I came up with was: man, "Did you have a rough day?" robot, "Time does not possess a texture."

The writer for one of my comics has made one up but we haven't had a chance to playtest it much yet.

To clarify something I didn't put in the original post, this is much less about improving the art and more about making the whole series into a cohesive story. I started this series in 2009 and had no idea what to do with it other than I wanted to make a comic and I thought I had a funny gag about …

Suppose you were reworking your comic from newspaper (3-4 panel) to comic (full page) and you were at the end of a chapter using the new format, and wanted to go back and update the earlier "chapters" to match the full comic format, do you think it's better to: Take a hiatus and update all the …

I don't know that it's been mentioned here, but medicine really helps me. When I was younger (30s and below, I'm currently 47), I could get away with a various number of different suggestions on this page, but as I got older, my body didn't seem to handle it as well and I'd lose sleep and feel terr…

Yeah, would that be more like a "period drama"?

Remember, I said in gaming (role playing games) and not works of fiction. I did a quick google search and older gamers like me tend to think of the terms like I do =). But now that I looked up the Wikipedia, I for sure understand what it means in fiction.

I didn't do a very good job, but I was just trying to clarify that it's still fantasy. I was using fantasy RPG definitions rather than literary, but was just meaning that there are two ends of the spectrum. Where a certain fantasy story lands is probably subjective (unless you're a the extreme). …

In Gaming, I think that's referred to "low fantasy". When you add magic and weird creatures it's called "high fantasy".

Yes on both counts. I use Greko for conventions, although you can still buy copies of your book (discounted) from KDP. If I remember when I priced it out for my first book, KDP wasn't a good price on color books until you went above the minimum number of pages (they are perfect bound). So like f…

[Before I make my joke, I want to totally agree with you] If you think of good/bad as binary, then [not bad] = good? (apologies for the bad engineer humor)

KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing, formerly CreateSpace) is a great place. There's no upfront money required. They are for sure the cheapest option for novels or black and white comics. I use Greko Printing to print my comics. They are fast and reasonably priced. https…