This was interesting to read. I am Japanese, I currently live in Kyoto. You raised some interesting points. A lot of anime is squarely aimed at teenagers but it is watched and enjoyed by people of all ages. This sounds like a good thing, but you honestly have 3 year olds watching shows like Demon Sl…
If you're going to be using the f-word in every comic, AND in the title, you might want to consider the NSFW-filter, but the NSFW-filter is mainly there to sort out nudity, extreme violence and gore. Like I said, though, if it's going to be frequent, it might be best to warn people.
Herein lies the problem- Representation should not be important to anybody because it is a shallow, self- absorbed way to look at the world. If you cannot relate to a character on a personal level, regardless of race, gender, or religion, then I think that is something far more worth addressing t…