

New Jersey

Just a wizard

Just launched my novel and decided to use this lovely piece by @Kelheor from her awesome alternate cover as mine. It kicks ass! ^^ [image]

@Lahin, @bulgariansumo, @cyborgmermaid, I hope you guys enjoy the review I made them in a bundle here where it goes in the exact order I send through this message.

[Minerva dashes around her brothers, creating after images of herself; the two boys stand with their backs toward on another as they try to come up with a strategy.]

“Alright…before we do anything else, can I get my mechanical arm and a haircut? I can hardly see,” Kayden said—having had parted his hair down the middle since walking on his own.

I mean, I'm gonna be real, the only time I've ever seen someone actually get "cancelled" is when they do something dumb, get called on it, and then dig in and/or throw a tantrum. Any time anyone is like "my bad, I'm sorry, I made a mistake and I will learn and try to be better", there's usually some…

And it's done! [:tapa_pop:] [image] Thank you so much everyone for participating in this.^^ If you need the picture in higher resolution, just send me a DM.^^ I will write down the links from everyone shortly after. And I've received a message from someone special. :santa: Merry Christmas everyone :christmas_tree:

Messalyn the "drunk dwarf" in an elven girl's body She was my city elf from the game Dragon Age Origins, but I started to make stupid little comics about her. She then developped a mind for herself and ended being a regular troll character from my mind. [image] Farenz (not exactly an elf) the "bad…

[image] I have my girl, Queen Veridia

Somebody said Elves? [image] [image] [image]

Currently, I don't have any. However, I do have a elven (or elf based) character coming up. Her name is Lilith [image] A more recent sketch, been playing around with her hair in this one [image]

Head shot by the wonderful Ms Blue. So, Evangeline, real name Tarnua-fuin, is a girl with amnesia. She is classified as an Elf as that is her appearance, but, well, she is actually a faerie. The story of elves, though typically thought as just fairytale/rumors, is that they are faeries who have had …

In the comic version, he did it to prove how he was worthy of the affections of Death. So he killed half of all life in the universe as a present for her. Better motivation right there xD

Thanos. This fool saw that HIS world was suffering due to limited sources and wanted to stop that. Alright. I see his points, I understand his frustration. Almost no one is taking overpopulation seriously. He watched his entire world fall apart. That can mess you up. There are planets suffering fr…

:joy: I see, well I guess that makes sense. I feel sorry for your characters though.

this is the farthest i managed to get into wattpad [ghostface] (no shade against the creator or the readers of this, if they like it, then all the power in the world to them, i just find the image really funny)

I guess to add on is how its become mainly a male power fantasy harem mess? Only recent one to stand out for me was Asendence of a bookworm and All endings lead to doom

Thanks for the advice! A specific trouble huh? I'm not quite sure, but a trouble I have would be... I think I'm like most writers out there who think that their novel might be a little too boring which is why I sought advice. If I add their body language to the mix, I feel as if that would make i…

Hey! heads up! I got a notification from a fellow wattpader that is another mirror site stealing our stuff. I found one of my stories on there. I really would recomend registering copyright in your jurisdiction - it's usually way cheaper than pyaing for a DMCA takedown. Neither of my reg…

i didnt even know you already made this thread,so i did the same yesterday.... maybe if all of us report it to google they wont show it on 1st page of search?

Just gonna copy and paste what I wrote on another NovelHD topic. It's an issue mostly(or only) affecting Wattpad writers. As far as I know, Wattpad is aware of the issue and is working to solve it, but it's difficult because of copyright laws in the country of origin of the site. Mirror sites like…

Hi! I went to DMCA and it looks like there is a free option to "DIY" that looks like they supply you with a form you can fill and send to the offending website. I sucked it up and paid my short story was removed in a day. I wish you luck in getting your story taken down! Take care!

My story's on there under my Wattpad name. And since no one reads it on Wattpad, I think I'll be experimenting with what happens when you edit things. Should be fun.

It's public information through ICANN. Just type their domain name in and it'll give you everything you need

This thread might help. According to the Twitter account, the site has been taken down but was live again. There's still a hope. Back then, there is a similar site called DocTruyen (or anything ends in "truyen," it means "story"),…

Firstly, that's horrible and I can't imagine how stress you are right now. Secondly, I don't know how much worth this advice will have, but write the email. It will be a proof you took action and signaled them. Prior to writing it, check the legislation about intellectual property and the Internet. …

Wattpad gets mirrors all the time. Share this with other Wattpad authors, send mass-DMCAs (they do not cost money), and it'll get delisted from search engines soon enough.

Sorry for the double post, did some quick homework on them. Their domain name is provided by Namecheap, a US-based domain name provider. You can contact them and they may be able to help you. It looks like they're also in the process of transferring to CloudFlare, so you may be able to get them in…

@cyborgmermaid first off, I really like your cover! Second off, I'm going to guess it is about an elven princess and an elf rebel who fall in love? Maybe she isn't even a princess, but a highly esteemed warrior and their romantic encounter had to do with the stars (^・ω・^ )

Someone want to try mine? Really curious [image]