I'm Set to Zero's author. The comic's just begun but I would definitely love to hear about what you think of it.
The older you get, the less you care :'D
Princess Tutu. It was SUPPOSED to get a third season and it never did and now I'll never have proper closure. Also tsubasa reservoir chronicles. I knoe they made the movies but it would of been so much better if they just did more seasons. Both my suggestions make me feel like a old person yel…
To me bigger is always better because you can resize it smaller and it will come better and sharper. All my pages start out as 3000x4000 300pdi (you may not need it that big)then I resize it to 940x1020. But be mindful the bigger your page the more memory and space it takes up. My computer nearly cr…
I'm using 904 x 1600 ouo but.. i sketch on a bigger dimension
[image] Spring 2015 "Main Characters" [image] Summer 2015 "Summer Beach Battle" [image] End of Summer 2015 "Summer Selfies" [image] Halloween 2015 "Zombies" Now WINTER IS HERE and that can only mean one thing... [image] SNOWBALL FIGHT!! Draw your original character throwing a …
This is amzing work, you out a lot of thoughh in the construction. It's nice to see it gives quite a good idea about how the character is. Well done! @efdvorsky Your chart looks so nice. With colors and all. It could be official material! Love the choice of influences. You really picked up from ev…
Hola Tapsters! I thought I could launch this fun exercise. Compare your Oc to existing characters psychologically and physically! This is a chance to tell us a little more about your creation, So join in and share your thoughts. No need to make a chart, you can write it down if you wish. Here's…
I JUST pushed up my dpi to 600 at the suggestion of a friend (which/who I always thought was completely ridiculous) but for re-sizing objects within the panels, it is amazing! It keeps the integrity of your linework without severe blurring/distortion and is immensely handy for background work where…
I draw Grassblades at 3307x4677px at 300 dpi (I've occasionally drawn at 400 dpi, though), and then downsize for posting online. My pages are usually downsized to 800px across, rather than Tapastic's standard 940, since 800px fits my main website. The reason I draw that big is that I want to prin…
I usually draw on A4 size at 300dpi (2480x3507px) for printing purposes. Photoshop has a preset for that. Then I resize it to 72dpi (595x842px) for posting online.
I always draw and save the original at 300 dpi and downsize to 72 dpi for web publishing. As long as you keep the same proportions so the image doesn't stretch or compress, you're okay.
An illustrator I know once suggested something for this: to zoom in at a maximum of 50%, which means working at 150% zoom. This will avoid the illustrator of loosing control of this tool and ending up getting carried away, drawing details at 300% zoom, for example, that will barely appear when the…
I use Photoshop, and I always work bigger and then downsize. One of the reasons is that I like the idea that I can print my pages in a larger poster format if I want to later, but that's a very personal preference. One of the other reasons is that working bigger makes it easier for me to add in more…
It's good to draw at a canvas that's a minimum of 2x the size of the final product. This allows you to work better on some details. And this is how manga is produced in Japan, if I'm not mistaken. They draw at a A4 or B4 page and it's then scanned and resized to be printed at A5 or B5 (respectively)…
At clip studio pro I recently draw at a A4 proportions (210x297mm) but at resolution of 72dpi to to draw with great precision, with Vector lines at 2.5 px, when done the lineart, I convert it to 300 dpi and resize the linearts to 8.0 or 7.0px (the conversion change the size to 10.4). After some litt…
I've drawn on a few different page sizes, and I think the size and shape of pages does make a difference in how the comic is communicated to the audience. For instance, the ones I most commonly use are 869px by 1263px and 940px by 2000px. I think what you're doing works for your comic. Now, as for p…