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May 19, '15
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May 14, '22
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@ahkwardkat So you have to have the app on your phone in order to sign up on your desktop? My phone is new enough to have the app, but I registered on the desktop version, and I only upload comics through the desktop version, so that sounds weird :/ But the people working there probably know what t…

As a creator you can still upload your comics with your computer through their website (talking about POP Comics). They recommend posting at least 5 pages pr. episode, since they put an ad after every four pages, which is how you earn ad revenue wink Your artwork looks fantastic by the way!

Though I'm sure it must've sucked to have your first Kickstarter fail, I have to say it's encouraging to read that you didn't give up – you tried again, improved what needed improvement, and succeeded! That's awesome! smile

I think I have to agree with @scullpanda here, even though the thumbnail will have the name of the comic underneath it, it still looks somewhat more...professional when you keep it in the thumbnail. There's no harm repeating the name of your comic – makes it more memorable!

I actually preferred the one in the lower left corner at first, because I'm interested in the interaction between the two characters – they make each other interesting, if that makes any sense? However, like the others have mentioned, the thumbnails will be smaller than this, and it's already diffic…

@dglisson I think your ad sounds fine blush You know your story and your characters, you have an idea about how long it's going to be, so it's not one of those "I only have a vague idea about where this is going, but I'll work it out as I go", and you've already planned your next steps in terms of publ…

I find watermarks distracting if they're in the middle of the image. I put my website (which is my full name) in the lower right corner of my comics, both as a kind of signature, but also so people know where they can find more. Maybe you should consider doing something like that just to make it eas…

I've unsubscribed from a certain creator because she was posting on her wall several times a week at best, and several times a day at worst. It's sad, because I liked her comic, but I got so sick of the constant updates. If you rarely do live-streams, then by all means - announce it when you're doin…

Hi! There was a similar discussion back in January - not too many people participated, but a few helpful tips were shared: To quickly sum up: @Kaykedrawsthings uses the comicpress theme on Wordpress for her comic Creep. The design and …

Great initiative! smile This post is on my starred list so I can get back to it and check out all your recommendations when I have the time wink

You obviously got to do what you think works best for your story - it's all about what you want a scene or chapter to convey to the reader, and then find the best way to achieve that. No rule without exceptions wink

This is an article using the Dark Knight as an example to demonstrate the concept about being "In late/Out early" - this applies not just to the opening chapter, but is something to think about for every scene in your story - come in as close to the action as possible, and make sure you leave in due…

Congratulations! smile

Thanks so much for posting this! smile I hope I'll get around to making some animations! I just downloaded and installed the new version, looks good so far, but just to be 100 % sure: This download is meant to be free for people who've already bought any of the other versions, so I'm not going to get o…

New is a relative term wink But it's still a good example of how to promote yourself in your forum profile blush @justieno Thank you! I have a busy weekend in front of me, but I'll check out your comic when I have the time!

One thing you should do right away is put a link to your comic on your forum profile! The forum isn't directly linked to your tapastic profile, so people will actually have to search your name on google to find your comic - and people are lazy, so the best thing is to make it as easy as possible for…

I use Billy the Flying Robot. I had to pay for it, but in all fairness, Blambot fonts are ridiculously cheap considering the time it takes to create a good font - and also compared to fonts that cost like...$200 or more. It's important for me to use fonts that have the letters Æ, Ø and Å, in case…

I asked someone about this in another thread, if I remember correctly it's called Function Pro Book.

Wow, the bolding doesn't show at all in your case! It reads just fine on Safari. But it's not a very common font, maybe that could be (at least part of) the reason it acts differently on different browsers? It's not a particularly web-friendly font, compared to for instance Helvetica or Trebuchet …

I totally agree on this (I think I've mentioned it on this forum before, but can't remember where/when). While I can zoom in on my screen to make it bigger, it's very inconvenient, and something I never have to do on any other website. Please increase the font size or use a different font? blush

That's the way I see it too. I don't have the time nor energy to run a shop. If you pay lots of money to keep a stock of posters or other merchandise, you better have time to market yourself and your work to make a profit - and that is a lot of work too. The way I use Society6 at the moment, is mo…

You'll find more information on their pricing here: Art prints are the only products where you determine your profit. The minimum price for the smallest print is $12 (if I remember correctly), so if you decide you want to sell your prints for $14, that means you e…

Definitely work in RGB when you're working digitally. You can convert to CMYK later for print. Some printers even want you to send them the file as RGB :/ And like @cryoclaire said, you can still proof colours while working (in Photoshop).

I use Weebly for my website, but I'm using it for more than just comics (I just promote it like I do my other works and then try to make people read it on tapastic - I feel like the comic I'm doing right now doesn't need it's own website, but I have other projects that might do). The thing I can …

While I'm not in dire need of help with proofreading right now, I have bigger projects in mind that I might need help with later on, so whenever that happens I'll get in touch! I've seen a lot of creators on here get reviews where grammar and spelling are mentioned as things they need to improve o…

@Kneon Finally listened to the podcast! Thumbs up blush Interesting and informative!

I'm proud that I finally published my comic this year after being very worried about posting it online. I'm thankful for the Tapastic community that is so incredibly helpful and welcoming, where I've gotten to know some awesome people, and where I've found some great comics to subscribe to. I'm al…

I've been thinking a lot about this too. I wonder how long it will take before the market is kind of...pushed to its limits? Is there a limit? How much are people willing to spend overall? How many will they support and how much are they willing to support each creator with? And for how long? For …

Hi, I don't have time to read through your comic at the moment (things are busy now right before Christmas), but I might have the time after Christmas (can't promise anything, I've fallen behind on every comic I'm following, so I need to catch up with them first). A few suggestions: Your username …

It seems so! Thank you ^^