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May 2020

My comic is gonna have a lot of fish (+ mermaids) and I always want to be accurate and include real life fish that act like they should, but it's difficult knowing where to begin as I've never been a huge fish fan... The size of Wikipedia can be jarring and it could take hours to find something useful or inspiring. So let's talk about fishies!

Anyone got any random facts about fish or know any helpful resources? Any little thing could help! :fish:

  • created

    May '20
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    Oct '20
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The Giant Trivally can bite off a human finger.

Check out this lil' guy with the really long name.

Electric eel can be up to 8 feet in length and can generate more than 600 volts of electricity :slight_smile:

Oarfish are undersea fish and the only time people manage to catch them is when the come to the surface. They come to the surface when they're approaching the end of their lifespan. Those things are STUPID big by the time they surface. Like, 15-20 holding one up big and start small enough for one human to hold by themselves.

This ocean fish only?
Catfish can get big enough to eat a man, and don't have scales, to boot.
Also, look at this dumb idiot called a napoleonfish:
What a dude.

I'm not going to fact check this because I prefer second-hand semi-true animal facts... but there's this shrimp that can superheat water and shoot it in a boiling beam to kill things...and lemme just say that would be a sick power for a mermaid.

That's the rainbow shrimp! It can also see way more colors than humans and break its own aquarium if kept in one.

Blue glaucus, or blue sea slugs, aren't fish but they look like fish, so a quick fun fact - they actually float and swim upside down. Their bellies have the cute blue stripes, but because of the location of their gas sac, it faces upwards to blend in with the water, and their silver backs look like sunlight reflecting from the surface.

That's the shrimp! Trust humans to put an overpowered murder shrimp in a aquarium lololol

Some remoras have a peculiar eating strategy, they attach to some sharks, whales, manta rays, turtles and dugongs eating their feces and keeping them clean.

Any fish is good! I have a character that collects all kinda fish things so he must have some freshwater ones in his collection. I've heard of napoleonfish before! They're so funky i gotta draw one.

The clownfish is born male and when the female dies in a group the dominant male will change to female
and that ruined Finding Nemo for many people =P

I thought of one more. if your pet fish becomes constipated. you can feed him peas. then he will poop and recover. (important)

Bull sharks are born live (no eggs) but only a few make it out of the womb. They start cannibalizing their weaker siblings while before birth.

The Great Lakes sturgeon lives up to 150 years old and in the olden days, they would use their eyeballs as a makeshift baseball

You can train Bettas to do tricks. They can even go through hoops. I've trained them to come touch my fingers to get fed, it's how I got them used to me.

Oh, oh! And they also have labyrinth lungs so they can breath by gulping air at the surface! They usually live in black water streams or rice paddies that have been dyed dark from the tannins found in almond tree leaves

The Moray Eel has a second set of jaws inside the back of it's throat that can be used to pull food down it's throat. :wink:
Also sharks have a 6th sense. Pores in their snout can detect electricity, like that which living creatures give off when their muscles receive signals to move.

Horseshoe crabs are not crabs, but are more closly related to spiders. They have 9 eyes (5 on top, 3 under, and their tail is a sensory organ that is sometimes considered an eye) and 10 legs. They also swim upside down, and breed under the new and full moons. (it's very oddly specific)