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- Aug 20, '20
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- Sep 5, '20
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- Sep 30, '20
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Wah. Great idea. I mostly post references for my book. https://www.instagram.com/inkc.xry/
I'm happy to share my story, Mark of Kai. It's a fantasy, romance novel that revolves around magic and influenced by Asian culture.
I've been posting for a month and only got 3 subs, until a few days ago when I reached 10 subs. I think the main reason for this because most of my chapters have an average of 2000-2500 words I ended up splitting my chapters and re-uploading them, which really helped.
I would say Yu Yu Hakusho but since Shingeki no Kyojin came out, that has been my #1. The world building, the characters, the secrets. ugh. So good.
I only started posting my story last month, but I've been writing bits and pieces of it way before. In my family, I initially only told one person, my younger sister. After a few weeks, I eventually told my other siblings. Their reactions were better than expected except for the eldest. One time, …
"Well, if you put it like that, it seems to me that someone is playing with us, Captain."
The world and characters I created have been living inside my head for the longest time. When I'm writing my story, I just want my readers to get to know the characters and see them grow. I hope that they get a feel of what the world looks like and how things operate there.
Yass Fantasy. This is my story, Mark of Kai. I'm still new to writing, but I hope you give it a go. Genre: YA Fantasy, Romance, Family
Wow. Congratulations on getting 50 subs. I often feel that people in my country prefer romance novels/comics, so the fantasy genres don't get much love. I'm still new to writing so whenever I get a new subscriber, I feel very thankful.
This is my story, Mark of Kai.
I'm still fairly new to writing, so I'm not sure how good my use of words are. This is my story, Mark of Kai. I hope you give it a go.