

Hello I am the writer of a webtoon called peek - a - boo and we just came out with ep 1.We currently have 99 subs.Pls do check it out and also share your goal(ours is 100 subs)

Hey guys, I have just made it to 50 subscribers after 38 day since my first episode . I know that's not a lot, but it means a lot to me, and I wanna thank everyone who trusted and followed my first novel '' age of magic '' which I didn't really expect to have many readers that take from their time…

just started with season 4 episode 5 [image]

There's the Tapas Creator Avenue Discord Server

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I write a dark fantasy action and horror series named The Dark Children of The Night. And a new chapter was recently added. https://tapas.io/episode/1870211

Hey there! Thanks for the opportunity! My novel has a fantasy theme with a lot of drama and mystery. It's about two brothers trying to deal with the increasing crimes waves inside their city. [image] I hope you can check it out. :smile:

Hi comic artists and novelist. I have a question for you.. How long does it take for you to reach 100 subscribers or likes for your work? or How many subscribers you get after the first two week of publishing your work? If you still haven't get 100 subs yet, drop your work here and let's grow tog…

Hey everyone, I'm creator and writer of Veraque. Veraque translates to empathy in Latin. I chose that name because every single event that will happen in the story has some kind of foundation in that emotion. It is extremely important to my story. Does the title of your stories have meaning as wel…

I have a tattoo of Attack on Titan's Wings of Freedom, but this anime is tied as my #1 favorite with Tokyo Ghoul and Love Stage. I love anything with shock factors as well as fan service. I rarely admit that I like fan service stuff because these types of shows are made of so much online, so I just …

Yu Yu Hakusho. Hands down best anime of all time and no one can tell me otherwise. It absolutely inspired my novel, and my art style in general. I like the idea of the outcast, people with unique powers, snarky one liners, etc. and YYH has all of that and more.

Hey guys, I have a question to ask you . What is your favorite anime, and why ? And did it inspire you to make what you're making ( serie or novel ) ? ● For I have a lot of animes that I like, but most of them are One piece, Dragon ball, bleach, Aot, Naruto . But if wanted to choose one anime, i…

Some reader's comments on the first few chapters of my series. They would obsess about how my first chapter didn't make sense, it didn't give them a picture of the world I was creating, etc. One beta even said she didn't think my title fit the series and echoed the previous comments about how it was…

Not quite demotivating but in the same way but I once shared a design with a friend, just a single character design with a name and no other information, for a potential new project just as a "hey what do you think of this design?" and the first thing they said was "no one wants another story about …

I don't know if to find this thread encouraging or aniexy inducing. How can people be so insensible

"You can't be a writer." -parents and teachers I had really by dyslexia as a kid, couldn't spell, was a very slow reader. People enjoyed my doodles from a young age and they said that I should find someone to write to pair my drawings with. They would word it in a way that people with dyslexia sho…

"Eeew, what even is that? Can't you see that the face construction is all wrong? And what does it mean, 'I only drew the first four lines, at least let me finish'? Erase it all and restart from scratch!" "Your drawings are too creepy. They're never gonna sell." "You do realize that if you present y…

Yeah it always hurts when you hear someone talk bad about something you've put your heart and soul into creating. I think the most hurtful thing to me was hearing my story be called "bland" and "cliche." I tried very hard to make it neither of these things, and hearing it be called both in the sam…

Damn, that sucks! Some friend … :weary: There really wasn't a way they could have been more constructive at least? jeez I suppose the most let down I been in a situation was the time I was at a con selling my stuff, including some of my comics. Two people come by and person A was like "Oh, you do comics …

It's really hard when the people close to you to make offhand comments like that. I'm sorry you had to go through that. Not long ago, I told someone very close to me that I was drawing a comic and this person responded with "You're STILL drawing that children's stuff?" in a really surprised and ki…

“You use words that are too complicated, so I don’t understand your writing. And I have a college education.” The words she couldn’t manage were: proffered, relentless, filigree. On critique site, a couple of pages into my story: “Oh, it is so cliche! Obviously, she’s going to fall for this pi…

I'm sorry they said that to you, I know it hurts a lot when someone you know personally says stuff like that relating to something you're passionate about. Someone reviewed my introduction of a work on another site, took one look at the TITLE and said it was a "boring, trope-induced snooze fest." …

“Your writing is so boring! What the heck?! What happened??” That alone is what made me stop attempting to share my stories through novels and move onto comics. Well it was back in 2019 when one of my friends said that to me and yeah, it was true. I didn’t start making a comic until June of this y…

Post here if you are under 100 subs let's create and grow together. What challenges are you facing

Honestly? I just want them to have fun with it and not think of it as a chore to read. I want people reading my books to actively enjoy the plot, the characters, the drama!

I'm very disappointed that nobody is saying world dominance, money, and fame. :smiling_imp::joy:

I just want people to connect with the characters and care about what happens to them. And for the upcoming one I'm working on, I'd love to leave people with the same uneasiness in the dark in bed at night that I got while thinking it up.

oh this is a really interesting post! I'm writing a romance, so I do want people to have ~feels~ for the relationship, but I also, at this point, want the story to feel fairly unsettling and miserable. I try to create quite a lot of atmosphere in my writing so if that comes through, then I've done…

I want people to be able to take my work seriously enough and enjoy it for what it is and be able to support me and my work as it (hopefully) grows. I guess one thing I have been struggling a lot with recently is that knowledge that we can't control what people think of our work, so I guess the be…

I just what my readers to have fun with my work mostly.