

I write the webcomic The Shapeshifter's Wife and the Novel Alchemist Burn Outs

Jun 20, '19
Last Post
Mar 19, '23
Mar 19, '23
Trust Level

1.) Pacing is really tricky! I do long scroll format, which actually makes this a little easier since I have to do at least 15 panels an episode, but when I was doing page and only had like 5-10 panels to get something interesting out it really was hard to hold an audience. It may be helpful to rele…

Pressing F to doubt this guy actually works 20 hours a day 7 days a week for 2 years. ah, he sounds like a type. honestly this is why I think it's sometimes really good to have check in's, like really honest check in's with how your work is coming along, and to schedule long breaks a few times a y…

Fanservice is so rampant with anime that it's in my freakin Mahjong experience. Like I enjoy online mahjong because during the pandemic I learned how to play. I play a version called Mahjong soul, which is currently the best way to actually play the game with real people and get into Mahjong. How…

I see it like you can do work in a vaccuum and put on the blinders and just draw for yourself and will naturally improve over time. Which is fine! This is honestly how I see most artists who are like under the age of like 17 who post online, like I really think...they should just keep drawing and ge…

My concern is that moderation should just never be done by an AI. Like what's that quote about how a computer should never make a management decision? That and they only clarified that they wouldn't be feeding your calls into Clyde until AFTER twitter had a full meltdown and a bunch of people delete…

Oh yeah, they're definately 18 at least, or they can't get ad revenue. But also, that's really freakin young. Mind you, I'm over 30 so I see anyone under that age of 25 as "that's a good age to make some MISTAKES"

yeah, the age of a lot of these people under contract always gets me, too. Like there was a trust between the author and who they worked with. Otherwise they wouldn't have had hopes that Tapas would undo that contract under a good faith error. They were thoroughly taken advantage of. Dunno the age o…

Yeah if I start with a vector I'm usually rasterizing it at some point just because of the file size. Vectors are cool and all, but CSP makes em chug if it's too complicated. I love using vectors for backgrounds though, because then I can easily erase overlapping lines and throw together a room in p…

Sounds like they're already done with tapas, so they don't care about it making it blow up online. But like as far as predatory contracts go: they're predatory. I'm of the mind that we need to put all of these predatory behaviors in the freakin past. Like sure DC or Marvel do it, too, but also they'…

I do sometimes just to see if maybe I need to rethink my marketing strategy and try out a different genre. Like I do better in some genres than others, can't know if I don't look. But I only look once every few months, it's not very often. Especially since I'm not 100% on how the Tapas algorithm eve…

yeah January-February is low views for content creators across the board, this is why a lot of Youtubers just take a hiatus in January.

So it depends on your genre and audience expectations of that genre's update schedule more than just trying to find the magic words that manipulate the algorithm. There is no magic words, you just want to keep your quality consistent and your schedule consistent for that project. I've personally don…

for me the biggest peeve is this expectation that your writing has to follow certain romance tropes or have a happy ending. I'm of the mind it should organically just do what the story should do, but a lot of readers have come to expect a predictable and nostalgic storyline. But I'mma gonna do whate…

For me, what stops me from starting new projects is I'm just sick. I got long covid, I'm an adult who has to work. Like I ain't got energy for distraction anymore, so I have a lot of projects on the shelf that I know will never be realized, and I'm at peace with that. You don't need to make everythi…

Goodness @HGohwell, I have also written fanfiction, calm down! That is not remotely what I'm talking about. If we're talking about whether or not an author can really do the marketing hustle, doing the hustle on an original work is WAY harder. If we're talking about whether or not an author can make…

Oh I totally agree about having a trial period, I've seen too many people feel like their married to a collab that they have grown to actively hate because of the time commitment and the people involved. A collab can easily scope creep from a 10 page short story to an 800 page epic. But as for a p…

yeah, this is why I think it's so important that writers who are looking for collabs have some work online that artists can read through. Comics are a different ball game than writing online serialized novels, (and most importantly, original works, and not fan works that have a reading audience bu…

well, on the topic of what the OP is saying, pantsing and plotting aside, if a plot point just is not happening, it's OK if it's not meant to be. That happens sometimes. When characters wouldn't naturally do a thing, or a plot wouldn't naturally turn a certain direction you may have plotted out, t…

Oh that's a good question because there are so many types of JRPGs out there. I think Final Fantasy 10 is a solid winner, my favorite Final Fantasy, actually. The music is great, the plot is kinda weird but not so odd it loses you, it's got one of the better motivated villains in a Final Fantasy. …

haha, the timezone made no difference for me, I'm in california and I had to wait like 2 full days for a response to a copyright flag issue, and my comic was down that entire time RIP. I think they just don't have a ton of people on staff to answer these types of questions.

I agree about many of your points here. Like when you do a collaboration you should know your collaborators well before you start, and have a good idea of what it is you're about to create. Otherwise, you can end up with a situation where one person does a majority of the work But to clarify the w…

I used to use my Ad banner to link to my twitter, but now twitter is dead to me with how much the site sucks now, I may switch it to my Patreon instead. I've seen people use it to link to their Ko-fi, their instagram, their link tree, wherever they want their follower audience to follow them. As f…

feels like one step forward with banning AI and then two steps back with banning "Kiss" XD Anyway, I'm sure they'll bring it back, there's just no way this will be permanent. People's entire brands are decorated with their titles, and some people have been publishing their stories for years. They …

yeah sometimes I get feedback from readers and I'm just scratching my head because it'll be like--opposite feedback of what someone else told me. Can leave you wondering "so which one is right?" and like at the end of the day you gotta go with your gut. And like when it comes to art style, so much…

Does it have to be entirely a comic? With that many characters, maybe parts can be in novel format which will update faster and be written faster. Comics take even longer than the estimated time because you will end up having life happen, you'll get sick, have to do other jobs, like stuff HAPPENS an…

yeah I think it's a good move to either make it clear. Not sure why y'all haven't seen the uptick in AI novel covers here, it's absolutely been happening, (maybe because I read more dark fantasy, which tends to cater more to the AI style. Romance covers made in AI would be too spooky haha) so I can …

I have seen quite a few novels written like this around the internet, and a lot on Tapas and Tumblr, but it does come off as a rough draft. Like scriptwriting isn't really "easier," because generally you're writing in that script format so it can be viewed in a different way than strictly reading it…

yeah, they really dropped the ball on novels in recent years. There seemed to be a point when they were going to do more, and submissions were open for possible originals, but their direction for the site has changed from that point after being bought, and after hiring a bunch of people, and then la…

I mean I personally don't mind, I love watching train wrecks of adaptations on screen, a fun past time. The more the merrier. Also, Disney will never touch Dragonball. It's more likely they'd do a Sailor Moon remake first, youknow, something that could actually be a musical and has princesses in i…

If all three are down for both then sure, but just make sure to tag it as polyamory. For me as a reader, however, I do see it as kind of lazy. Like you set up a love triangle for a reason, the tension of who they choose is the point. The catharsis is when it's solved. When the answer is "trick quest…