29 / 34
Mar 2023

Thank you. („• ᴗ •„) I've received nothing but great suggestions and valuable points from this forum~
I'm happy to be part of this community. (⁀ᗢ⁀)

I used to look at it a lot, but I realised it was super bad for my mental health and stopped. :sweat_02:

When I moved from Action to LGBTQ+ I was also seeing myself ranked numerically against people I know not just from online communities, but people I know IRL from years on the UK comics scene. It wasn't healthy for me.

Yeah, it was fun the first couple of times I got featured to see my comic right up at the top, but the novelty of that wears off. I just need to stay confident that I'm usually somewhere around the middle of LGBTQ+ comics, and that's pretty good, and get on with my life and focus on creating and promoting my work, not fretting about the small numerical fluctuations that happen over time.

In my opinion, it's pointless and vain; it also potentially leads to unnecessary obsession and disappointment. You will feel dopamine rush and accomplished when it hits high, and you will be temped to seek that rush again by keep checking it. While it hits low, it lead to disappointment and boredom. It may lead to frustration when it is not getting higher or as high as you expected. We better work on the next chapter than refreshing that tab over and over.

I used to do it when I was newer. Now, I only do it to check if certain thing works (e.g changing genre or changing the cover).

I only check my notification occasionally to reply to comments or see if someone tip and thank them. It matters more to me.

I'm actually not to far down. But I find it funny that the first 3-4 rows all look exactly the same. I couldn't tell them apart.

I am genuinely too dumb to remember to check stuff like this. My partner checks it sometimes though. That's how I found out I was trending one time.

I don't. I know one of my comics is always hanging around it's genre's top30 on WT Canvas and another one probably has a looong way to crawl there because the genre is much more competitive and the numbers are still pretty small. On Tapas I don't check anything, unless I see some biggy influx of readers and realize it's probably the feature/banner thing and then go look where is it (or other people tell me).
I mean, it is good if you're there though! :grin:
I just don't like checking on this stuff because this whole "so do people see us anywhere" really exhausting me, I just don't have this energy to spend x)

I'm a big fan of Three in A Tree tbh. I may or may not have a small crush on one of 'em.

But I love their designs.

Thanks so much @candiedcotton 🤭 this project was so random I didn't think we would pull it off, but I am overly happy to see people enjoying those quirky guys ^^

They have a great dynamic and they're very relatable. You ought to be proud of your work, it's all excellent.

I don't check, unless I suddenly get an unexplained boost of readers or subscribers then I'll investigate why

Nope, and I probably won't ever do that because I don't go out of my way to excessively market my stories, so I'd be pretty consistently low on the rankings. Numbers can be pretty toxic, anyways.

Sorry I haven't been able to reply to every comment, but the general answer I see is no. At the end of the day, that's probably the healthiest option.

I just went and found mine and I'm ranked right next to 'Spider Jotaro' which is actually a very nice complement because 'Spider Jotaro' is really good and really well made lol

Well I scrolled down for ages to finally find mine, seems like only one shots from 2020 are less popular than my comic. Probably not gonna check the rankings again any time soon.

I do sometimes just to see if maybe I need to rethink my marketing strategy and try out a different genre. Like I do better in some genres than others, can't know if I don't look. But I only look once every few months, it's not very often. Especially since I'm not 100% on how the Tapas algorithm even works.

I used to do it, but I didn't understand how it worked. I just find out if somebody else tells me now and then I thank the entropic gods of the trending tab.

I do not, because I never expected my comic to be within sane scrolling distance :stuck_out_tongue:

I did check the ranking of my Call to Action entry a lot though when the competition was still running XD (It helped that there were page numbers, so I could just skip around by modifying the URL :P)

1 month later

closed Apr 2, '23

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