18 / 29
Oct 2015

Agents of the Realm2! Beautifully drawn, very well thought out story of the magical girl genre. The girls are diverse in personalities and ethnic representations. Even if you're not a fan of the magical girl stories, give it a shot - there's a huge amount to like about this one!

Ava's demon
cucumber quest
and Paranatural

i have a hard time keeping track of webcomics updates wich is why i love taptastic so it's hard for me to remember and keep track. I use to actually read a but load of comics like the less than epic adventures of tj and amal. but i just.... loose track of things frowning

nothing online. but I love to drop into my local comic shop every so often, he has a 10p box for old comics ( it's like a comic grave yard for 80's comics) great for getting reference pictures such as old 2oooAD and Dredd.

I only keep up with three. Too much effort for me otherwise.

Solstoria1, story about a young girl looking for her missing brother on a quest to become a knight to protect her loved ones. Contains witches and magic and stuff.

Gunnerkrigg Court1, story about a girl named Annie and her adventures involving her new school aaand... lots of mythology and whatnot

The Property of Hate1, surreal-ish/psychological story about a girl nicknamed Hero whisked away on a strange adventure by a TV-head known as RGB.

Paranatural2 (already been mentioned but it's awesome srsly)
questionable content
Mahou Shounen Fight!1
Always Raining Here1
Unsounded2 (seriously if you aren't reading unsounded already GO READ IT NOW IT'S FANTASTIC)

I hadn't realized that I read so many non-tapastic webcomics =_= A lot of these I don't read consistently; I wait for updates to build up so I can binge read. It's hard to keep track of all of them when I don't see reminders everyday...

I'm quite into Lazarus from Image, but I haven't had all that much time for it of late. I also recently read the first chapter of the Dresden Files, which was kinda interesting. Would love to read more, but I'm frankly stretching it as it is following as much as I can here on Tap.

one punch man FTW!!!!
sometime capeta and suicide island. and berserk.

I read several of the long running webcomics everyone already knows about, like Dresden Codak, xkcd, Wondermark and Nedroid, but have started following a few newer ones recently.

The Wormworld Saga1 I discovered from a thread on this forum and its artwork is amazing. IT only updates a chapter at a time so I think I'll be waiting for a while for the next post though.

I also started reading Mare Internum this year, having made a mental note previously to check out The Meek, by the same artist/writer.

And I'm turning into a bit of a fan of Existential Comics too

Oh yeah, one other comic I discovered on Reddit is Cattle and the Creeping Things1, whose comics aren't always brilliant but every now and then they post one that is EXACTLY tuned into my sense of humour (such as "A Day at the Rainbow Factory"4)

16 days later

Outside of Tapastic my favorite comics are:

Demon Street :
An adventure story where a couple of kids get stuck in an alternate dimension that is also a street filled with demon like beings. A very fun story.
A story with an anime like feel about witch-doctors with familiars
Witchcraft vs Alchemy, lots of world building. Based off of the french revolution.
Monster Pulse1:
A story about kids who are bonded with monsters created from their organs.
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Victory Fire3:
Probably the best Pokemon fan comic, combines the story-line of multiple pokemon games. Well developed original character.

There are plenty of other comics I read too off of Tapastic but these are the main ones I actively keep up-to-date with.

1 month later

Extra Ordinary (exocomics.com)
Cheer Up Emo Kid (I kinda read all of the ones that would be posted here in one binge session, So I'm reading the more recent ones directly from the website (cheerupemokid.com))
Anything by Mark Crilley, and Randall Munroe
And the comic books a renter left in my house once upon a time that he must've forgotten which are mostly DC but theres a few Marvel and some weird British one I really liked...

Also the Webtoons version of
Doodle for Food
Up and Out
The DaneMen
Bluechair (Owl Turd here)

But 99.8% of my reading list is here

My top 10 are:
1. Dumbing of Age
2. Between Failures
3.Go Get A Roomie
4. Paranatural
5. Questionable Content
6. Bittersweet Candybowl
7. Blaster Nation
8. Two Guys and Guy
9. Vibe
10. The Meek

There's much, much more, but these are the ones I follow religiously

10 days later

For comic strips, I used to be a fan of Basic Instructions before Scott Meyer retired the series fairly recently. Also, Calvin & Hobbes reruns is something you can't go wrong with.

For comic books still in cycle: None at the moment since I kind of got bored with all of the ones I was subscribed to, however, I am catching up on the comic book adaptation of The Strain.

For print comics, I mainly read independant stuff like Steam Engines of Oz, and perhaps some Lady Mechanika. As for webcomics, I read Megatokyo, Demon Archives, and there were a whole bunch I read in the past like Instruments of War before it went down.