

the worst country in the EU

Nonbinary - 28, they/them
OMEKADE is my original comic.
Will do crimes for good green tea.
Faves: Fullmetal Alchemist, Tokyo Ghoul, Gintama, Bungou Stray Dogs, Akira, Blade Runner, Farscape, Ringu, Morrowind.

In all honesty, bigots. Like, I can read about and comprehend their backgrounds, but it still escapes me how a person can make a choice to be a piece of sh*t to other people basing solely on their existence.

@crowstories is totally worth recommending, and on the comic side, my manga has a nonbinary character and somehow has been recommended by Tapas staff 3 times since I started publishing this January, so it seems like nonbinary characters are interesting after all? :neutral_face: And uh, let's say gender stereotype…

Thanks so much! Yes, there's lots of mysteries as well, and I'm feeding the bits of information with lots of foreshadowing in each episode. It's so awesome to read what theories the readers come up with. On the topic of the games, I've played the three most recent TES games (excluding the multipl…

I paint mine with ink on regular pages, and then convert the scans to a webcomic format - when I'll be printing out the volumes, it will be in the original format I make. Also, the original format is on my patreon, free to read after an episode is published in the other places in the webcomic format…

Awesome idea! 1) Sci-fi, post-apo (far into the future), elements of horror 2) Synopsis: In a world warped by deadly radiation, relics from the past centuries of obsolete cultures are greatly sought after. Tomoko and Akari have been in the artifacts business for over 50 years, and upon a chance …

Two out of three of my mains (the 3rd is NB) are pretty badass in various ways. Also, they are 95 and 72 respectively. [image][image]

Post-apo, but centuries into the future, badass grandmas among the main characters, a GIANT giant mechanical centipede, and a bog of mysteries deeper than any tentacle can reach. Updates every other Thursday, all painted in ink. [image]

Never Mess With Granny! It only now starts to show a little more, but there is so much badassery from my two grandmas (95 and 72 respectively) coming in the future that the 3rd main character will have to reevaluate A LOT of their opinions. I generally miss having representation for older generation…

I have a general idea, some major events that have to happen, and what goes in-between is pure hog wild invention on the spot. Always worked well for me, so why fix it if it's not broken? I think of what is going to be an episode about, flesh out a 'subject' that needs to be addressed, and write dow…

Thanks a lot! I use markers for the lineart and Chinese ink for painting.

[image] the things you wake up to when it's not even Monday one and a half year after the thread went dormant

Don't mind if I do. New episodes every other Thursday, hand-painted with ink, range from humour to horror and everything in-between. [image]

@littlelilylee5683 whoa, thank you so much! :purple_heart: As from me, I'd totally recommend Brothers Keepers by Akitku, set during the crusades but with a supernatural twist, and the historical background is awesomely researched, so much to learn in a fun way.

New episode, new plot twist, and a new side character is introduced. [image]

Totally agree with @Reveal here, see if you can file a restraining order. I'm not from the US, but from what I know of the law there, this might potentially qualify? Especially if that person knows where you live. Stay safe!

New revelations fresh out of the oven, the plot thickens... (new updates every other Thursday) [image]

Once upon a time, I had a commission from a really lovely, polite person to paint a realistic, cute German shepherd puppy surrounded by flowers, all cute, sweet, almost rainbows and glitter shooting out of every orifice. I. Hated it. I hated every single bit of that commission, and I refuse to paint…

RELEASE THE HECK: [image] (fresh out of the oven, updates every other Thursday)

Fresh out of the oven, with the first page (out of 12) in full colour! [image]

I did a whole full colour page with watercolour, fun and nice but took way too much time out of schedule, the rest is monochrome ink as usual. Updates every other Thursday. [image][image]

Me saying I don't like a theme or a certain motif and hence refusing to read something is being not open minded...? Everyone has their tastes and it doesn't inherently mean they are narrow-minded or something. I don't have enough free time in my life to read everything, so if I'm to pick between a t…

Lots of queer representation, wholesome Grandmothers among the main characters with a nonbinary lead, murder, mystery, worms, and all drawn and painted in ink by yours truly! [image][image]

Ooh? This sounds fun. :eyes: I haven't been a part of a bigger chat in a long, long time...

Um, why reply to me specifically? Your comic is not in my taste, which you could've guessed if you saw mine, and unless yours is a satire, then it's one of the themes that I actually despise.

Oh, that would be Moya for sure. Nothing like a huge, sentient, old lady ship.

Thank you! This style is supposed to slightly resemble a sign system I made for my manga, and the periods are directly taken from it (except in the sign system, they are much bigger). As for the commas, they are there, quite plenty of them ^^; [image] The commas are what I need to fix yet, along…

Made a simple one to use in speech bubbles representing one of my characters writing in her journal. Gotta fix two things yet, but other that, I'm loving this. (Here's the description of my series for the example) [image]

Pretty close! Translated to English, it would be Mechanical Centipede. Omekade is a play on Omukade (centipede) and meka (mecha) in Japanese, and it is powered by ionising radiation. :eyes: There wasn't a centipede emoji, so...