
Philippe Ricard

I make the online comics zine Bad Stew.

Nov 18, '14
Last Post
Dec 24, '17
Dec 24, '17
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Do book covers count? If so: [image] From Bad Stew.

I use here and a website made w/ blogger (Is that a dirty secret? Maybe?). I like blogger a lot for hosting comics, it's pretty easy to rough up the tools it gives you into a site w/ next-previous buttons and other pages on the site as well— prolly not as easily as w/ Wordpress, but you don't have t…

I think basically everything has improved in my comic? (Bad Stew) A page from 2015: [image] ..and a page from October this year: [image] Obviously there are similarities between the two, but I think I've made great leaps in learni…

Here's the latest page from my one man comics anthology, Bad Stew: [image] It's the beginning of a short story I'm calling "The Cranium Plead".

I've been having a great time w/ Inktober this year! Here are some of my favorites that I've done so far: [image][image][image][image][image]

My thoughts: The title in Papyrus needs to go. It's hard to read here and also it has a memetic status on par with comic sans. My suggestion would be to hand draw the title in block letters both for readability and just to make it look NICE. A series' title acts as its logo in many ways, so it shoul…

Agreed! Genre fiction is delicious to dabble in and small references like that add that "spice". Your coloring is great by the way, lovely use of gradients.

Dungeons & Dragons has had an unmistakable influence on the fantasy literature scene, and in recent years it has bled into comics with incredible vivacity. There's something to be said for "weirder" fiction, but then again there is also nothing quite like genre fiction and stylish fantasy. [image] R…

I haven't used them to print my own work, but I own a couple books printed with Lulu. Lulu is pretty good quality, but Createspace's black & white books are cheaper and the printing is better (the ink is darker and has a bit better resolution, also I would say that the binding is nicer). Not sure ho…

The new font is much more readable.

In my opinion it's a bit silly to ask for reviews when you only have 4 panels published. But anyways: this idea has the potential to be good, but there is a fine line to straddle between memetic irony and full-blown cringe. Time will tell where this comic will fall.

Barbecue? That's hard to do. Grilling meat, you martyr, you. Grill your hands and grill your face, make my flesh the king of taste. Flip me over, then you baste, cover me with tomato paste.

Cover for a book collecting the last year of Bad Stew. I'm sending the final files off to the printers tomorrow and am really excited for it! [image]

As long as your webcomic is not similar in actual content to things it shares a title with, it should be fine. If people are looking for your comic and stumble across an RPG, they'll know it's the wrong thing. An example: I recently learned that my comic Bad Stew shares a title with an erotic novel.…

Createspace's black and white books are really nice. The color ones less so, but an option to consider, still.

Alright: [image] [image]

Here's a cover I did for the latest story in Bad Stew, "Who's Got The Straight Edge?" [image]

I love drawing challenges! This year has been full of them. In May, I participated In Wizard War 2016. Later, In September, I participated in the Dungeon Degenerates Monster Drawing Club. I had a lot of fun with both of those but I had, by the end of each month, fallen off shedule. October was a suc…

I've inserted myself into my comics a couple times. The most recent one was in Bad Stew 13: [image]

I wouldn't say that all. $30 seems to be about minimum wage, as comic pages of this level of detail take hours to draw. Radwanski seems to actually be underselling his work.

Put some music on, get away from from your phone and computer, and draw. Are you experiencing writer's block? It doesn't matter. Just keep working. Maybe take a random word and try to write a comic based off it. Even if you're cranking out garbage drawings and stories through this method, those are …

As most others have said, it depends. Some people swear by the photoshop pencil tool. Some people use a gazillion different brushes. In the physical realm, artists like Brian Ralph do their work in ball point pen and go over their lines a hundred times to vary the width. It's good to try new tools a…

Forums and Twitter are a good idea. I haven't been active in them because they take up a good chunk of time, but perhaps that is a good use of time. Publicity and all that. Thanks for the tip and for your kind comments!

Vong: Thank you so much for your detailed reply! This kind of feedback really helps me and I'm very grateful that you took the time to give it to me. On the updates: you are totally right that a monthly update is absolute garbage for retaining readership. I do have several reasons for enjoying it: …

[image] Bad Stew is a monthly comics zine about deadly handshakes, gravediggers getting in trouble with the law, women with no face descending into paranoia, Krampus regretting his career, innocent egg toys causing lovecraftian terror, and more. It's like an anthology of weird short stories, but al…

I think a good rule of thumb is to respond as you would if they had said their comment to you in reality. Plus an upvote if they're not being actively hostile. 1. A simple "thanks". 2. Silence. 3, 4. Tell them to check the next update to find out, or something to the same effect. Winky face if you w…