Book Trappington
Georgia, USA tapas.io/series/Eternal-Luck/info
My name is Justin, but you can call me Books. I'm a 30-year old author. I'm Nigerian but also a United States native. I've discovered a passion for fantasy and urban fiction novels. I hope to create stories that can evolve into comics or even something greater.
I made a forum with this promotion concept before here, but with the broad category of excerpts instead of specifically one line sentences. To review: One of the best ways to promote a series is to show an excerpt of your writing to get a reader interested and show your writing style. A lot of ti…
I just tend to listen to action-y music in general. Sometimes it helps me get into the mind space, but I don't always need it. I've spent so long fighting (karate) and imagining fighting that I just slip into it easily xD Here's my fantasy novel, The Dragon's Scale, a project really close to my …
For a long time, I didn't saw any threads that would say "I will try your book". Most of the time people only just post their things
If you like fantasy stories with gangs this would be good to check at least
I just uploaded the next parts for my novel series today, and it's the next one that featured "action" sequences. For me it wasn't as crazy as I've done before, but holding that kind of stuff until later. When I do these I end up listening to music that "feels" like I would put it into the scene. It…
You guys. My People. My Dudes. Bros. I am seven followers away from hitting 100. It is a potential milestone for me, lol. My newest two chapters came out today so I'm trying to make it happen!
Very insightful! I'm a pretty decent editor when it comes to academic writing, but fiction? I guess I do edit my own writing, but I don't have any special techniques for it
I've never edited someone else's story before, but I've helped some friends on checking their essays/papers to offer an insight on their writing. Though, of course, I'm not a pro. There are times where I only do a quick check before and after posting my chapter, but when I'm doing a serious edit, …
I use a text-to-speech browser extension help me edit. Hearing it out loud not only helps me catch typos but also helps with the flow of each chapter.
Thank you for the compliment. If you see any of my posts on this forum you will know I tend to write whole essays here and I can go in great detail about why and how I do it. But as I said I am not professional editor, and didn't want to just hog the conversation, I'm sure there are more qualified…
One of the many reasons I use a pseudonym. haha. I really want to popular on the nerd-circuit like Firefly or Warehouse 13. Mark Shepherd's made a great career just appearing for a couple episodes here and there in all the great nerd shows.
I edit my work around 3 times before i post (but i'm not a pro editor) I usually write a whole episode - wait a week - plot edit - wait another - vanity edit - wait another week - final edit Plot edit is when I look at the whole plot of what i've written for that episode and the ones before and …
Well, this is weird I think. I'll keep myself hungry. When I'm hungry, I write very quickly. I won't eat the whole night/morning, and I become really, really focused. This is not healthy btw.
Is it hard to be a pantser? I can't really write a story without first picturing the beginning and the ending clearly, so it seems rather difficult to me
I write whatever I'm fixated on at the time, in whatever order I want to. I know I'm not alone in this either, I've seen a few writers here on the forums describe their process similarly. Once I have most of the dialogue in a chapter, I string all of the fragments I've written into a cohesive plot. …
I have a few devoted readers (including my mom!) who want to see how things go and love new content. In a way it's not only a support system but also motivation as you are not the only one invested in your writing. That and I still live with my parents so I get asked over breakfast every now and aga…
Take breaks! If you're burned out or have no creative juice left there's no point forcing yourself And I don't mean reschedule for tomorrow, but let yourself be like "I'll check in with myself tomorrow" and if you're still not feeling it, then that's okay. It sucks when you get like this, but you g…
Usually I’ll have a scene that’s giving me trouble so it demotivates me a bit or there are times when I don’t feel like writing because the energy required is too much. So I do something else creative instead like draw. Other times I talk with my friends and we motivate each other to write or I work…
Yes! This really helps me as well! Even just a "wow nice" helps me to stay positive!
I think that what motivates me the most is seeing a project done. Is seeing a concept fully executed from the very beginning to the end. It's a mesmerizing, incredibly satisfactory feeling to fully complete a project, to look at it and realize you have done it, despite all challenges life has thrown…
I sometimes I read through the comments on my novel once again, because seeing people be so excited about my story makes me really motivated to continue
Same here! I'd love to have my novel's world used for a Soulsborne-esque game. I'd love a series, as well. And a collection of action figures would be nice, too. But, mostly, I write for myself. I want to know what happens and, as much as I'm more of a planner, truth is, the more we write, the more …
Thank you for doing this and I hope you find some series you enjoy!
That is extremely kind of you, Books! I'd love for you to check out my work!