

Somewhere Out There


Might also be a server update thing. That the dashboard is only updating in blocks like 3 times a day and the series is updating the stats live? @TapasCommunityTeam anyone here that can explain?

The dashboard stats dont adjust to account for unlikes and deleted comments so they‘ll be included in your stats whereas the the actual comic/novel stats will automatically subtract them. Also if you delete a chapter the dashboard still counts the views/likes/comments whereas the actual comic/novel …

The summary counts are for all your series. (do you have more than one?) If not then I assume that the 1k view is a round-up of the actual count Just my thoughts

Most of us don't use our real name when writing. We use pennames and we come up with names that are either weird nonsense or well thought off names. I wanna hear the story behind your penname. Let me start. My penname/username is Manyana Hobbit. It is derived from the Filipino term mañana habit wh…

“You’re Not a Good Writer.” I once received a DM comprised of just that sentence. Nothing else. No constructive criticism or any reason as to why this person clearly agreed with my own view of myself. For someone who has never told anyone in their real life that they write anything, reading some…

I think the only case when dates being weird are the cases when they age like milk with uses like "it was the distant future of 2005, mankind was destroyed by the nuclear war with the soviet union". In other words it's fine unless you're writing sci-fi about the future.

I would say not to worry about it because if a new person signs on to Tapas on August 14th it won't matter at all.

I've written a contemporary romance set in Belgian's 2020 fall lockdown and I have always used specific dates, but I often posed weeks later, since I couldn't run ahead of time (the situation here changed to rapidly to do that in an accurate way) which meant I was ALWAYS behind. I never worried ab…

This is a level of anxiety far greater than my own. This has never crossed my mind. I wish you peace, lol.

I do not think readers would really mind, they would find it as a nice info or coincidence. Even if you use a full date (day-month-year) which coincides with reality, it is normal too as many stories do that. If you are worried things in the story won't be happening as it is/differ in real life (e.g…

I have zero idea why would it be weird to have April 8th in the novel and it being published on April 10th...I mean,this is basically just a coincidence, unless your point is to exactly follow the current events and make it a chronicle of 2021 :sweat_smile: I bet many people will just say "oh, it's April now too…

Wait 'till you get to the later chapts of the light novel and it will give you chills :innocent:

Thank you winter! I'm glad you liked Brooders!!! That ship is definitely a fan-favorite, so I'm glad to hear you approve!

@Tinkerton - Yoowww your story looks so awesome and I am loving the characters! You definitely know your thing in terms of perspective writing and I absolutely adored every bit of it! I love Emma the most by the way! :wink: @WinterFall - Dang girl, I hope I can get to see more of your chapts soon! Your …

Yes. Same. I agree with you.

Oh thank you! My goal was to make Beck very relatable! I appreciate you reading and your feedback! I hope you continue to enjoy it 🖤

@vishakasriram I love Azra. This is such a unique concept, especially in the romance genre, and I eagerly await the next chapters and can't wait to see how her relationship with Devin develops. @sevenstarsofeightIam I read the first few chapters of The Faerie Dusters, I love where it's going so fa…

Okay, I'm back! @Pony_wearing_a_hat - I was already subscribed to your work, but I just wanted to mention how great it is! I love how the characters interact, Agony is my favorite! @warmellow03 - I read some of your novel, it is written very well and is very descriptive! I'm excited to read m…

Ah, thank you so much for your kind reply! :blush: I'll check out your story as well! Edit: I read it, hehe... Sooo, review time! I like your writing style! It's so soft and soothing haha. I almost feel like the words are in pink? (does that make any sense?) Normally, I'm not really into girly stories …

I managed to read some from a few more - WinterFall - I really found your story gripping and exciting!! I am looking forward to reading more!! cyborgmermaid - First of all, really cool name:) Second, this was so well-written and exciting! I'm totally hooked and am really enjoying your writing sty…

tysmmm!! i'm glad you enjoyed it. I just read the first chapter of your novel and subscribed. it's beautifully written, and i can't wait to see where this goes

Mostly Korean tacos pop up, but if you look far enough down, my stuffs in there too or you can just use my twitter name koreantacos89 [image] [image]

the google search we didn't know we needed until right now.....

What better duo to turn into eggs than my favorite bickering Archangels?! With that being said, enjoy my delusional night thoughts of Gabriel and Uriel being whisk-y [:sweat_02:] [image][image][image][image] P.S. I have no idea why I did this. [:cry_swag:] Tho I think I wouldn’t mind getting some …