6 / 33
Dec 2015

About a year, pretty much since Inkblazers started their shutdown. Technically I have been here since Feb 2013, but I was using it as a mirror without bothering to be active here in the community until that place keeled over and I needed another webcomic community to go migrate to.

@vincentprendick Congratulations, man! Cheers to another year!

As for me, little nebula here, fresh from the star nursery! I joined 4 months ago in September after hearing great things from some friends of mine here and yeah, really enjoying the community. Can't wait for my half-year anniversary special, haha^^

Happy Anniversary! \o/

:Looks at my profile page:
"Joined Mar 2014"

What? Really?! Feels like it's been much longer. Tapastic has gone through a lot of changes and growing since I started way back then... Back in my day, we didn't have clickable banners, browsing notifications by type, or Support Program wink. The launch of Tapastic Premium was the latest and greatest thing. Well, Support Program aside, a lot has happen on Tapastic.

Oops as a comic though has been around for close to 3 years now, through posting on our official site and a few social media profiles.

I officially joined about 3 weeks ago but today is my first day being active. Wee! stuck_out_tongue

Happy one year!

I'm still am a baby here on tap since I've only joined in March 2015.

I've been on Tapastic since August 2014! It doesn't feel like that long to me. I've been on deviantART since 2008, and tumblr since 2011.

i feel like an old grump.
I've been here since 2013

I joined back in 2013, but only became truly active when Inkblazers shut down. Also congrats Vince smile

Apparently this is also my one year aniversary of joining!!!!!! I didn't even notice since i didn't start uploading comics until 6 months later. wow

I've been here since March 2015 but I didn't start uploading my comic until late June.

Been here since late December 2014, I was brought here because I was following Whispwill's art for quit a while on DeviantArt and made an account to put King's Folly on my reading list, I had no intention on uploading my comic here because I had inkblazers...and then it shut down.

EDIT: I literally thought I joined in February xD
Talk about goldfish memory.

I joined March 1st 2015, and started posting Grassblades on March 2nd, 2015! So 9 months and 10 days. smile

It will be a year by sometime mid-end of Dec for me, which was around the Inkblazers shut stuck_out_tongue

Congrats!!! I joined in mid-September of this year and have been uploading my comic since then.