25 / 54
Dec 2019

From 2009 to 2019 I made my biggest art leap from all traditional, ball point ink and colour pencil, to all digital, intuos 4 and photoshop.

I'm excited as heck to keep advancing, maybe integrate traditional means a bit more little by little. I used to do a lot of fun mixed media pieces while in uni which really helped me find out different ways to approach my pencil to paper process as well as expanding my digital vocabulary!

I did this challenge back when it was going around at the start of this year... An old OC of mine that I don't draw anymore, but (kinda unintentionally) integrated parts of her design into one of the characters of my current project

lol 2009 me was very bad at drawing faces and hands so i just hid them.

Well, now I'm just disappointing.

8 days later

Ah yes, le olde caramelldansen, an integral part of any internet web's artistic development