130 / 188
Jan 2016

1) I am new to digital art production!
2) My family is mostly made up of artists, or artistic/creatively-minded people... I'm kind of the black sheep in that I like comicking, however.
3) I can sleep standing up, and fight/sing in my sleep at times (usually when stressed or very tired).
4) I have a seething distaste for sitting on counters/tables, and will silently judge people who do so.
5) I collect little things. Buttons, bottle caps, tins...

Haha XDD
I would've too, but I had absolutely no idea the professor thought that! That explained a lot though =P

@maeaton08 @Miniaome
That mother flipper crossed me. Took over my turf and stole my crew and clienteles along with her.

Nah, she probably snatched a toy I was playing with or messed up my drawing or something trivial like that, I don't remember. I do remember that it was a final straw type of thing though, where there was just a lot of pent up anger and frustration from her previous trolling and I snapped. I uhh have problems talking about my feelings :\ But I've never been that angry again since then!

1) I was born in a country that does not exist anymore.

2) I've participated in one war and two military operations. And I didn't like it. War is lame.

3) I've started to draw for a first time at the age of 24. Right after that I got myself transferred from engineering to architecture.

4)The very first comic I drew got published. (today I wish to collect all the printed copies, put them into metal crate and throw the crate into the ocean)

5) I've got bitten by a hedgehog. It gives no superpowers. Almost as lame as a war.

1 year later
  1. My favorite word as a kid was boo. My mom likes to remind me that for awhile, it was all I said. No matter what you asked, the answer was "Boo!"
  2. I share a birthday with Oda Nobunaga.
  3. I absolutely love cheetahs.
  4. I struggle with anxiety and other things, but am doing my best to work around it!
  5. I apparently don't look my age (20+), to the point that I was once hospitalized a week after my 17th birthday and another patient thought I was about 10. Even after showing the birthdate on my wristband, she thought the hospital or my mother were lying. I don't think she ever believed me.

1. made grilled cheese sandwiches with basil and tuna
2. I made dolls and clothes
3. I have two siblings older sister and a younger brother
4. I cry only if I watch a movie about dogs like Haichiko
5. I'm prone to accidents and I may have cause an accident to someone like the time my older sister to got stitches on the head because for playing rough dancing as kids, she hit her head on the headboard pretty hard .

  1. I have poliosis and sectoral heterochromia. Pigmentation errors all around, whoo.
  2. I didn't learn to ride a bike until I was an adult.
  3. Back when I was in elementary school one of my cats scratched me right over my eye and in school everybody started calling me Scar because of that. The scar is still quite visible. (And I love it because it reminds of my cat, who has passed away.)
  4. I'm lactose intolerant and despite the wide variety of lactose-free ice cream I still buy myself some Ben & Jerry's occasionally. (It's the only peanut butter ice cream around here.)
  5. One of my dreams is to visit Vienna and see Gustav Klimt's art in person. (Especially Judith und Holofernes.)

1: I'm a bit of a scatter brain and air head but generally a kind person.
2: I care way to much about people over myself
3: I'm afraid of the basement... "one day I will wreck yo a-"
4: My fav food is mac'n cheese :Q_______
5: I love dragons!


so I don't know if your herd butt I HAVE A HaRD TIME WIHH TYAPOS!

1: My other hobby is macro photography
2: My favourite music is rock
3: I once made Doctor Who a cup of coffee
4: I love prawn sandwiches
5: I really dislike gangster films

  1. Starfish and automatic sliding doors scare me... seriously
  2. Studied art in school. Was unsuccessful as a freelance graphic designer, but landed a good career as a programmer. (Now trying art again)
  3. My favorite animal is the elephant.
  4. I'm a Christian
  5. When I was young I was obsessed with Mikhail Tal and anted to be a world champion at chess. Briefly competed competitively a few years back.
  1. My car is old enough to vote.
  2. I love driving the tractor and destroying things (on purpose) with the front loader.
  3. I work with horses and I tell them they should be ashamed of themselves when they misbehave.
  4. Cats....cats cats cats cats cats
  5. In the past 11 years I've lived in 5 different cities and will be moving again at the end of this month
  1. I have three siblings.
  2. I have nearly failed grade 7 in two subjects and failed in 1 subject because I was drawing too much. [Don't regret this at all, sorry mum].
  3. I am Indian, but Chinese, but Indian.
  4. I accidently ate bird poop that fell in my ice cream. It was gross. And I am sorry you had to know that.
  5. Ida is not my real name.
  1. My family is very racially diverse.
  2. Growing up, I was asked many times if I was a boy or a girl
  3. I am very shy but I don't have a quiet voice, so most people don't notice
  4. I have auditory processing disorder, which means I can't hear well. However, it does not have to do with volume but instead with my brain functioning weirdly.
  5. I freakin love Monster High
27 days later
  1. I have extremely vivid dreams and poor eyesight, so I sometimes mix up memories and dreams.
  2. I'm a mad food scientist. Sometimes I just make up things without a recipie for fun.
  3. I named my car "Trooper" because there's so many of its kind out there that it's invasion of the clones.
  4. When I was 12, I shattered a tooth on a waffle fry.
  5. When I'm in a new city or country, I like to wander around and try to get lost. I always seem to find my way back to wherever I'm staying.

Number 5, I totally get that.
I had an appointment to try out some contact lenses, the lady helping me said "So, you're 11?"
I was in grade 11 and 17 years old. I went to the dentist a while later and they gave me a toothbrush for kids 5 and under. It was sparkly with snow white on it, not my fav.

1- I love coming up with new characters.
2- I can move my pecs.
3- I have tiny hands.
4- I don't have a favorite color.
5- I make teddy bears...lots of them.

  1. I have younger brothers that are twins, am dating a twin, and am best friends with a twin. Twins just seems to find me.
  2. ET scared me as a child and I still have a fear of aliens to this day.
  3. I was born with a literal hole in my heart.
  4. I was arrested for pushing my math teacher.
  5. I've always liked bones, porcelain dolls, and mannequins and yet somehow am not single.

1) English is not my native language.
2) I don't have premolars.
3) I love to eat desserts with black coffe and no sugar smile
4) My most memorable Valentine's day was when I was a dishwasher in a bakery O_O
5) I once kicked the district mayor as a kid...(it was an... accident, but lol).