140 / 175
Feb 2021

Working for Henson studios would be amazing, but honestly I prefer making puppets for live theatrical performances and parades. My favorite thing is literally bringing the audience inside of the magical worlds I create through immersive experiences. (This year has sucked obviously haha.) :slight_smile: And it's awesome that you are a 45 year old tapas creator! I don't spend a lot of time thinking about my age except when I'm the tapas forumns lol

1) I'm often mistaken for a high schooler even though I am 35
2) People on the internet often think I am a man (especially on comic-websites) and
3) I find that incredibly funny
4) I've been drawing comics since 2001 and it's Sailor Moon's fault
5) I plan on someday getting a house with a garden and a chicken coop


1: I'm a very optimistic person who smiles a lot, but people think I am depressed when they read my work as I write a lot of dark stuff. I just like the full spectrum of human emotions, and see nothing wrong with feeling sad sometimes. I'm not any sadder than anyone else.

2: Despite being a surrealist and experimenting a lot, I despise David Lynch and Dali as I think their work is pretentious. I do get a little inspiration sometimes from them, but they are not my favorites.

3:This is my first time publishing a webcomic.

4:I like taxidermy but failed both attempts with a rabbit and rat skin (both died of natural causes). Carpet moths are not your friends. Ugh.

5:I am half Vietnamese but don't speak Vietnamese. One day, I want to go to Vietnam but I think I am an imposter as I don't know much about my culture haha! This is what it's like to be Asian American folks!

Here is my comic:

This is a great way to learn about creators and their series.

  1. I love to draw and write my own comics
  2. I listen to different music depending on the comic series or scene that I am drawing
  3. I also enjoy sculpting and making my characters come to life
  4. I can skateboard
  5. I like all forms of jokes
28 days later

Well, let's see:

1) If someone saw me, they would find it weird that I don't like spicy foods.

2) I might have a bit of Autism

3) I've only have one job in my entire life, and still work in it.

4) I have two degree in Liberal Arts, and at the time that I requested them, I didn't know that I had enough credits for two.

5) I hate traveling.

Oh, how fun. This is me:
1. I'm Asian
2. I'm wife and mom
3. I'm older than how I look (for western only I supposed, dunno).
4. Since moved to US, I make sure to bring my ID everywhere or I can't buy medicine or alcohol. Ouch!
5. Never embarrassed when I'm late to the school/uni in past, but I'm really embarrassed when once late to pick up my son. (It hit me that I'm getting old now). :sweat_02:

@SirAxey Halo, kawan. satu hadir, agak berjiwa tua, msh dengerin letto sandaran hati sambil nggambar. :sweat_01:

1) I work on IT has the 2nd level (mostly writing documents and instructions)
2) I've O.C.D. the real type, not the trendy one
3) I'm MUCH older than I look.
4) I live with the love of my life. In love since 2001.
5) I drink a lot of Black coffee

Genre: epic poem, romance, fantasy, sci-fi

Status: On-going posted daily

Each episode has less than 300 words and 2 illustrations.

When Death meets Chaos

tr you can also check

5 things about me:

1) I first started drawing by replicating Pokemon cards
2) I was raised on Kids WB
3) I'm a mother
4) No one knows what I really look like because I own 15+ wigs
5) I also own 30+ pairs of shoes...:grin:

My Comics:

I am studying and working in automotive mechanics.

I have previously worked in the main office of a large retail chain.

Contrary to my creative hobbies like writing, I am actually a very logical and sometimes cold person.

I have worked on my main novel for eight years now.

In terms of height I am an average basketball player.

  1. I have a bachelors degree in astrophysics but am unemployed

  2. I have a crazy desire to learn how to do literally everything whether it's art related or not (ie: home improvement, coding, making video game, working on cars, baking, you name it)

  3. I wish I lived in a RV so I could travel across the states and never stay tied down to one place

  4. I love horror movies, games, and spooky things in general but I also love cute things

  5. I'm a cat whisperer

  1. I'm 4'9, and I look younger because of my height
  2. I'm studying civil engineering on a vocational school
  3. I have short attention span. Like, very short. I will get distracted from literally anything. If there's no distraction, I will create my own distraction.
  4. Ironically type in very broken English (until I unironically do so).
  5. I can't handle caffeine. Like, at all. One cup of coffee and I'm guaranteed to not be able to sleep. But, well, I love coffee.

Anyways, here's a novel I write instead of studying! :smiley:

  1. I daydreaming a lot
  2. I love my stuff animals
  3. I am heavily addicted to tea
  4. I wish I can go live in Japan for a year (maybe to attend language school?)
  5. I still hope to become a professional mangaka one day ...........
  1. I've been writing in my native language since I was a young kid on a typewriter, but only started writing in English a little over a year ago.
  2. I LOVE cats, I think they're the best pets ever, but I'm pretty sure they don't think the same of me haha.
  3. I look a lot younger than I actually am and I don't mind it at all.
  4. I mod a few online communities, most of them have nothing in common at all.
  5. Even tho I'm very active in online communities, I don't have a lot of friends because I'm afraid of people leaving me.
  1. I bowled throughout high school
  2. I love weight lifting
  3. I too am much older than I look
  4. I make the best burgers you've never tasted (I'm a decent cook in general and make pretty good homemade ramen too)
  5. I've been to Vietnam 3 times so far (I'm from the US and not asian) and I speak a bit of Vietnamese

I've made far more comics but I'm only working on this one now:

Hi... this was so fun to read...
1- I'm a teacher - love teaching... hate the burocracy behind it
2- I live in Portugal but was born in Germany
3- got married on February 29th... special date :slight_smile:
4- love making amigurumis (crochet toys)
5- my desk is a mess while my partner's so tidy... hate perfection...

already followed some of you... going to sub the other I didn't know of...

Thank you for your service!

  1. I have a hamster named Alexander Hamilton (he's a brat) and I plan to name all of my pets after historical figures
  2. People assume most of my friends are dudes, but- actually, most of my friends are ladies
  3. I'm a black queer (unoriented, unsorted attraction) trans guy
  4. I have a horrible stutter
  5. I frequently run into things (doors, wall, windows, people)

bonus fact: i have never broken anything nor have i been stung by a bee, yet i am prone to stubbing my toes and getting paper cuts

Thank you for the thread
I'll try i don't think my lie is that interesting haha :laughing:

1) I've worked as a Pharmacy Technician
2) love trying out different restaurants (I'm a BIG foodie!!!)
3) Never been on a plane before
4) I've been on a boat
5) I LOVE the out-door/forest/nature so I'm always walking or hiking somewhere

my comics:

1) I love art nouveau
2) I'm very into historical costuming (mostly western I admit)
3) Working for a camera company
4) I'm obsessed with long skirts
5) I have a kitty cat

Hello! It was so fun to read this tread, so many ...unexpected things :smiley:
Mine 5 is:

1) I have ADHD but managed to enjoy it heyyyooooo~
2) Have an animator's degree but drop my job because of exhaustion ¯_(ツ)_/¯ (I'm very weak physically too)
3) ENFP personality type
4) One of my biggest dreams is to live a couple of years in different countries :smiley:
5) I fall in love with fictional characters easily :heart:(´꒳`):heart:

Hi, these are my five:

  1. I have two stores, Redbubble and Spreadshirt with t-shirt designs, backpack designs, pins, and lots more.

  2. I have written a couple of stories on Wattpad, like A Taurus Man1, which is a romantic/comedy.

  3. I started out on Webtoons with Zombie Outbreak, and have evolved on Tapas, starting with my first series Acapella Romantic Times which are illustrated lyrics that I have written.

  4. I have a lot of fun collaborating with my brother on stories.

  5. I'm a huge fan of Marvel artists, like Joe Quesada, Ed Benes, Fransesco Manna, and Olivier Coipel.

Here's my latest comic!

  1. I wish I could draw, preferably digital art
  2. I am obsessed with the Titanic
  3. Worldbuilding is becoming my favorite part of writing
  4. I have my permit but not my license because driving terrifies me (I'm trying to slowly work on it)
  5. My favorite food is seafood, specifically mahi mahi and tuna
  1. I am majoring in music
  2. My favorite food is chicken nuggets
  3. I am allergic to gluten & dairy
  4. I love DC Comics & Anime
  5. I am a cat person
  1. I'm 6'7 (yes I played basketball lol)
  2. I have a younger sister who's my best friend
  3. It took me to the age of 26 to realize I just didn't dislike shrimp but was allergic
  4. I have two cute cats
  5. My favorite season is fall


you're 6'7


iewofnweiufnwefowenfowefiweifweoinfion i'm freaking five feet tall my dude you could step on me


1- I overthink a lot :sweat_02:

2- I love listening to people talking about themselves :sip:

3- I am a University student :cry_02:

4- I love cats :cat2:

5- I am investing in myself and my health :heart_03:

  1. I'm African American
  2. If I wasn't a comic artist, I would be a pediatrician (I love taking care of kids)
  3. I'm Christian
  4. I was born EXTREMELY premature (6 months instead of 9 months)
  5. I've been drawing since I was 3 years old
    Here's My Comic (Please like & subscribe):
  1. I am a certified paramedic and dispatcher!!
  2. Hard core Fujo ( i dont ship irl ppl...thats weird)
  3. Aspiring Author and Webtoons Creator.
  4. Just started seriously writing recently.
  5. I love to cook and once wanted to be a private chef.

Here is my novel called The Devils Son. Its not completed and there are 3 official episodes out at the moment (5 in total) hope you will like it if you do give it a read.

Haha I get that a lot - I have a really tall family of athletes. My dad is 6'6, my mom and sister are 6'. Ironically my fiance' is 5'5 lol

  1. I’m not shy, but very introverted and feel guilty about it sometimes
  2. I love beer :heart_eyes:
  3. I’m a bit claustrofobic, but like reading about caving and cave diving
  4. Interested in radioactivity/nuclear power/nuclear accidents
  5. I don’t like corn and babies. But baby corn is ok.
  1. I dreamed of drawing manga and making money from it since childhood.
  2. I like to draw guys more than girls
  3. Despite # 2. My work is fashion illustration, which is why I draw women very often.
  4. I'm an introvert
  5. I love sumi-e arts


  1. I prefer they/them pronouns.
  2. I'm pretty shy offline until I warm up to others, but online I love conversing with others ^^
  3. I love writing about romance or love stories but haven't been in a relationship before and I'm still unsure if I have any desire to be.
  4. Last year I accepted my love for furry/animal/anthro works :blush:
  5. I have a collection of stuffed animals :3
5 months later
1 month later

5 things about me:

  • My art has changed so much from episode 1 to episode 10 (What I'm working on now)
  • I just turned 15
  • I wrote and draw the whole comic by myself :cry:
  • I taught myself everything I know about art...

Here's the comic!

5 Things About Scarlet_Cryptid:

  1. 99.9% of my artwork in the last 15 years or so is marker. I am a marker fiend.

  2. I research and collect poisonous plants as a side hobby.

  3. I have weird marks on my back that might be scars or might be stretch marks, but don't seem consistent with either possibility, for various reasons, and no one knows where they came from. We joke that I was abducted by aliens. (I can give more details, but it's kind of long so I'll only elaborate if folks want me to.)

  4. I was once nearly blown to smithereens in Mexico. (There's a story here, but it's kind of long, so again, I'll only explain if folks want me to.)

  5. My friend group has a 4th of July tradition every year: The Watermelon Slaughter, AKA 'Slaughtermelon'. (See above: want to know more? It's kind of long, so if folks want to know, please ask.)

Top 5 things about me:
1. My favorite books growing up was Goosebumps.
2. I am a lawyer.
3.I love sweets especially chocolates.
4.I love to dance, mostly salsa.
5.I like trying to cook. :sweat_smile:

Here's my novel.

  1. I hate onions
  2. I dated a guy who was basically a mob boss, and I'm ashamed to say he was my longest serious relationship.
  3. I hate...or maybe I should say I find anything Lemon or lime flavored boring because I eat it all the time.
  4. I have nothing against flamboyant people, but I'm bi and I'm self aware enough to know I hate the idea of people seeing me as anything close to flamboyant.
  5. When I'm alone in my bedroom for too long ...I may or may not put my head phones on and perform martial arts on random objects (kicking and punching the shit out of stuff) while the music blasts so loud I can't hear anyone outside. Sometimes I'll even use a baseball bat or other stick shaped objects. (I may or may not have an irrational fear of ninjas coming to kill me in my sleep)