9 / 9
Mar 2023


I'd personally disagree with much of this, but in the end we're all just speculating and we need to see what comes after the lawsuits.

I do agree that the handmade craftmanship of 2D animation could not be replaced with AI. I do agree that computers paired with 2D animation has created beautiful work. However he says

it's only going to go away if we let it go away

And I think that is what people are worried about. I remember around the time of Princess and the Frog, Disney said 2D was coming back but they ended just dropping it. I can see a lot of studio who want to cut cost using AI to save money. Or the opposite spectrum of studio dumping way too much money into AI and ending up with something like Cats.

A great video. But.
The corporations and their studios will not care. They do not care about the art. So much of the skill has already been lost with the convenience of technology.
If they can save money, they will, regardless of how the output is made. Its these houses who employ animators.

But yeah with technology advancements at least independents wanting to preserve the craft will be able to.
But as an industry going forward? I can see a lot of layoffs in the not too distant future and the funding at educational establishments doing animation the traditional way will run dry to make way for this quicker output/soulless shite.
The late great Richard Williams gave a great example of the state of animation in his Animation Survival Kit.

to be fair the animation guild already exists tho idk how far their reach goes or where they're located

I think we need UBI, so many people are going to be out of jobs because of AI. Not everyone is able to train for a different job.

Is the guild international and include CG effects studios? I remember watching a video on the special effects for some of the Marvel films and they were Canadian studios.