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Sep 2023

I googled for it, but I can’t find a term for went you quit right before you get a game over. Like, the enemy it about to deal the final strike, but before they to you quit the game?

Is there a term for that?

  • created

    Sep '23
  • last reply

    Nov '23
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No that's when you already lost a lot of times, I'm talking about quiting just so you can say you never died in the game.

Being a sore loser which you can do if you can see you're going to lose before it actually happens.

Ragequitting which again applies if you're doing it to spite the opponent and deny them a guaranteed win (all you have to do to qualify as rage quit is leave in anger because things aren't going your way, no need to have lost before).

Self-sabotage which is when you think you're going to lose so you just stop trying even though it's actually still all to play for.

Generally it's just being a bad player or lacking sportsmanship so any other term for doing that would be derogatory.

Resign. :expressionless:

Just calling it quitting is enough, imo.

Some people will call it a ragequit regardless if there was rage involved or not.

Maybe you can call it dosconnecting or "DC".

Hmm, "jumping the ship" or "jump ship" might be what you're looking for?

There's nothing stopping you from making up your own word for it, I guess.

"Throwing in the towel"
it's when you've kept going but realize it won't end up in your favor, so you throw in the towel like at a sport game.

1 month later

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