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Oct 2023

Hey there, I am currently writing the webtoon "unHoly Blessings". You can check out the first 2 episodes on webtoon here13.

I would appreciate any advice you guys could provide on posting times, ideal lengths of episodes, the best ways to promote on tapas, etc. Anything and everything that applies to posting on tapas I guess :slight_smile: Thank you and happy creating!!

  • created

    Oct '23
  • last reply

    Oct '23
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Keep a consistent schedule peak times are between 1PM GMT and 3PM GMT. Huff told me Monday and Thursday are the optimal days in the week for posting. I've been told Sunday is the worst day to post on.

I personally update Thirley peak on Tuesday and Hawk and Flo Adventures every Thursday. For my upcoming comic Phantom Force 3000 i've no idea what day i'm going to update it lol.

Keep your expectations low. It takes time to build a fan base, so don’t be upset if your subscribers don’t number in the thousands. Some of my favourite comics and novels on this site were discovered right here in these forums, and even though they are extremely well written/drawn they have fewer than 100 subscribers. Building a big subscriber base is part promotion, mostly luck (your work gets seen by the right people and it gets featured on the main page, for example).

Wow, based on what I saw on Webtoons, you're doing pretty well over there.
And I have the feeling that Fantasy/Action genre might give you a boost. Fantasy tends to be popular over here, or that's my guess. (I'm a beginner, well kinda, been here ten months...)

But I'd still keep in mind what the previous have said. You gotta make a great first impression, which I think you'll be okay on. Still, you may get a lot of views, but the sub count could grow slow...unless they come over from Webtoons...

Honest, just keep your uploads consistent, whatever time/day you pick, as Heady says, and be patient with the "numbers" as Thunder Chicken said. (I upload Saturdays) Announce in the forums when you start publishing, but don't spam the Promotion threads. You'll get numbers, sure, but not often diligent readers, if that's what you prefer.
I will occasionally go on them if there's some fun to be had (like promote your story with emojis or something silly) And it's good to leave panels/snippets of episodes instead of some "static" link.
But despite it all, growth can still be slow no matter how much you promote, and don't beat yourself up if it is.
Unless maybe you'll go viral after the first few eps and I'm just talking nonsense, lol!
I'll keep you on my radar, mate.
Good luck!

Edit: As far as length of episodes, keep them short. I've learned that people tend to read while commuting, or if they binge-read, then it's not as cumbersome to catch up. Just a thought (from a fellow binge-reader.)