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Aug 2024

If I knew then what I know now about posting my comic, I would have enlarged the text and used black for lineart instead of cluckin gray...

other than that, no regerts, really...

I would have scheduled pages in advance.
And made it a point to keep a list of things to do throughout the day so I could keep track of my drawing.

don't try to make your panels smaller just to save white space, makes them hard to see and each page feels empty.
Don't do ALL the pages in the same file (back when I was posting the whole chapter at the same time.).
don't force curse words, try to make the dialogue feel more natural.

Don’t set the layers up in a stupid way :sweat_smile: For August I had layer groups for each panel. It really limited how long I could make the pages.

I would have made way more episodes in standby! :cry_02:
Working on a story and comic alone is not a lightwork... :cry_swag:

I would have drawn a good amount of chapters in advance. Due to several changes in my RL I have had to schedule my next updates every two weeks. It's the best decision I made.