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Sep 2020

Thanks @michaelson to you and your team for solving this! Luckily I only got eight new "friens", but their comments seem to be gone now, thank inkness :heart:

i was sad that the spam bots advertise a great story and not porn :ok_hand:

I was actually about to celebrate I had finally gotten a comment on one of my newest chapters...oh well... :cry:

Thank you! I was wondering just what bot had crawled in under our door. Thank you for running such a neat and user-friendly site.

Curses! Still ignored even by the spambots!

shakes tiny fist until the can of soda inside it is classified as an I.E.D.

Maybe you should change genre to BL since all of mine are that, or Fantasy, and I got hit on several stories lol

Are you suggesting the bots have very specific taste? haha... but unfortunately no mine is romance genre and also got hit! just not as much as others maybe?

They might, if they're aiming for a large number of people to see their URL, it makes sense to raid the site's genres with the highest amount of submissions? :thinking:

Wanted to quickly update everyone on the situation.

1) We've identified and removed all accounts associated with the spam.
2) We've removed all comments associated with those accounts.
3) The spammers were able to comment on scheduled episodes but were unable to access the content of those episodes - looking into this issue further, we are going to either de-activate the ability to leave comments on scheduled episodes or going to implement counter measures to ban accounts that are commenting on scheduled episodes. Gaining access to these episodes was achieved through scripting.
4) We are looking into implementing velocity based counter measures - i.e. if an account is commenting over X times in Y minutes.

Hope that clarifies the situation. We apologize for the inconvenience and are working on solutions to combat against this.

Thank you so much! A lot of sites just end up banning and leaving it at that if the comments don't do anything bad on their own. This is very reassuring to mostly avoid this situation in the future!

1 month later

They started over today. Lost count of how many comments I blocked. They show up, leave a spam, and immediately create another account to spam to same thing.

3 months later

Why would people spam THIS area?

We're mostly poor artists and writers, we HAVE no money to bilk from or buy things!! :smiley:

8 days later

I hate SPAM. I can eat it, but it's way too salty.
Thank you for the Great Job! Keep up the Good Work!

closed Sep 23, '20