I used to be a classroom music teacher, and the music coordinator for a specialist music program in a big public high school. I actually started at that school the year it opened, and built up that program from nothing to over 200 students, with four major ensemble groups. All that within three years!
It was a great job, but it was exhausting - I'm not great at behaviour management with large classes, and I'm terrible at paperwork. As it turns out, coordinating a whole music program by yourself involves a stupid amount of paperwork.
I handed that program off to another fantastic music teacher who's doing an amazing job building it to greater and greater heights. I work two days a week now for a government-run organisation called the Instrumental Music School Services; we're basically an army of instrumental teachers, each of whom visits a number of different public high schools each week, teaching the instrument they specialise in.
I teach voice for IMSS at three different high schools between two days, one of which is the high school I was the music coordinator at! It's a much better job for me. Small groups, (aside from the choirs,) much less paperwork, and just a more fun job in general. I mean, I get paid to sing with little groups of students all day! At the same rate as a classroom teacher! It's a dang good deal.
The other three working days a week, I make my comic. My intention there is hopefully to transition to paid graphic novel illustration work for book publishers. (Or traditional comic publishers, but I prefer the idea of working with book publishers.)
Well, we were already teleworking before the pandemic. Quite a lot of people got let go and it's because the company was severely effected financially by the pandemic.
I've been using Unreal, I think their blueprint system is pretty nice so you don't have to do everything in visual studio. I also use Blender to make my own 3D assets!
Your job sound really cool! I have a physics bachelors and have yet to manage to get into anything even remotely related to physics lol. Luckily there are so many resources online for you to learn all these programs!
It hasn't been easy, that's for sure. Not being able to camp has done a lot to hurt our momentum, and advance
meant has been slow, but I'm doing what I can to keep the kids safe, despite the arguments it's gotten me into with parents. A lot of the troop doesn't have the medical perspective, so there's been a lot of bickering especially with the politics of the virus at play. On the plus side I'm hoping with vaccines there'll be a light at the end of the tunnel, but we'll have to see how things play out.
Currently, I am a kindergarten teacher, and a graduate student (on what is, hopefully, my last semester ). I love teaching the little ones. They say the wildest things!
It has definitely not been easy to teach 5 year-olds remotely, but we all do what we have to do, right? I was also a CPR instructor, but recently stopped doing that.
I am a produce clerk at my local grocery store. I'm part time because its less stressful when I have my comic on the side. I try to have time for work, art and gaming all in the same day. I'm planning on finding an apartment to share with some friends sometime this year so i can move out of my parent's house. The store clerk thing of course is temporary until i find work in my major.
@HippieGhost - Wow! Front line worker. Lots of respect coming my way for doing that type of job in a very stressful time. I'm glad you have writing during your personal time.
I'm the web designer for a retail chain. I wish I didn't have to use "the". The website is too big for one person.
During my personal time, I work on my comic series and my greeting card illustration, as I sell them in a few businesses. I also have an art exhibition coming up downtown, so I'm also preparing for that.
I've unfortunately been unemployed for 3 months now since COVID shutdowns claimed my job of 14 years. But after taking a break from most of the internet so I could be depressed in peace, I finally found a new job that if all goes well I'll start next week. I can't actually remember what my future boss said I'd be doing because I was just to psyched about getting the job it basically went in one ear and out the other but I'm an administrative assistant so it'll likely be similar to my previous job, just minus the graphic design and printing since it's a different field.
I'm hoping that this means I'll actually get back to writing again because it's been a while since my head space just hasn't been in the right frame of mind to be writing.
Haha, not a dumb question at all!
I work in tech, so for my job in particular, it was more important that I had a computer science-related major, actually. Most entry-level jobs have some type of writing test you get given when you apply, and I'm fairly sure you could apply with an amateur creative writing portfolio and still get hired.
In my experience, it's more about how well you can write rather than how you started writing.
I'm in school full time getting a degree in Opera performance! My two "jobs" though are being a busker, and working in film and television! (I've never had a normal job haha)
My comic is called In the Woods Somewhere!