29 / 51
Feb 2021

Yes. i'm pretty much my own boss. I train and teach people ( Store Managers, Assistant managers and cashiers) how to sell my company's product. i set my own schedule as well. lol some days i work from home.

I'm a postdoc, currently studying the brain and lung vasculature.

I am in my last year of Law school and I strive to work in Prosecution.

I am a produce clerk at my local grocery store. I'm part time because its less stressful when I have my comic on the side. I try to have time for work, art and gaming all in the same day. I'm planning on finding an apartment to share with some friends sometime this year so i can move out of my parent's house. The store clerk thing of course is temporary until i find work in my major.

I work as an Administrative Specialist (sounds fancy, I just do admin work) for my state government

Graphic designer/illustrator. I'd like to be a pirate, but I get travel sick.

@HippieGhost - Wow! Front line worker. Lots of respect coming my way for doing that type of job in a very stressful time. I'm glad you have writing during your personal time.

I'm the web designer for a retail chain. I wish I didn't have to use "the". The website is too big for one person.
During my personal time, I work on my comic series and my greeting card illustration, as I sell them in a few businesses. I also have an art exhibition coming up downtown, so I'm also preparing for that.

I've unfortunately been unemployed for 3 months now since COVID shutdowns claimed my job of 14 years. But after taking a break from most of the internet so I could be depressed in peace, I finally found a new job that if all goes well I'll start next week. I can't actually remember what my future boss said I'd be doing because I was just to psyched about getting the job it basically went in one ear and out the other :joy: but I'm an administrative assistant so it'll likely be similar to my previous job, just minus the graphic design and printing since it's a different field.

I'm hoping that this means I'll actually get back to writing again because it's been a while since my head space just hasn't been in the right frame of mind to be writing.

Thank you! I've got plenty of respect for you too though. Web design is a lot more work than people realize for sure.

Haha, not a dumb question at all!

I work in tech, so for my job in particular, it was more important that I had a computer science-related major, actually. Most entry-level jobs have some type of writing test you get given when you apply, and I'm fairly sure you could apply with an amateur creative writing portfolio and still get hired.

In my experience, it's more about how well you can write rather than how you started writing.

Hi :slight_smile:
I'm a solution engineer for ecommerce shops and work there currently as technical lead for a big project.
To say it easier: I programm online shops :wink: or.. i do magic :wink:

my series:

I'm a social welfare administration expert at our city office, and ever since Covid-19 struck, the new regulations around that have been a big part of my job....

Which is probably why I set my last book in 2020. I deal better with the entire situation when I can progress it in my fiction too.

I'm in school full time getting a degree in Opera performance! My two "jobs" though are being a busker, and working in film and television! (I've never had a normal job haha)

My comic is called In the Woods Somewhere!

I work as the Library and English as a Second Language department assistant for a college. Running the workings of a Library is like a running a business sometimes. I love both of these departments, but my god it’s nice to get home and unwind with writing, reading, or drawing.

English Literature. I'm good at reading stories. Majored English lit and now I teach it. I sometimes do units on creative writing and often encourage my students to enter writing contests.

Sometimes I read hilarious stuff written by students. I've read clearly stolen re-summaries of existing shows, fanfictions of existing fiction submitted for creative writing assignments, and stuff. Sometimes I read pretty good, original short stories from a budding talented writer.

I also tend to use the same standards I check high school student writing to judge the quality of webcomics and webnovels to read too. Is there a conflict? Is there a theme? etc. My pet peeve is being asked to check out a series only to see that their description/summary basically tells me nothing and doesn't make me curious to find out more.

I have some general knowledge of market audience since many of my students like to read webtoons, apparently.

This thread is so interesting, so many different people writing and doing art :heart: Thank you for the hard work you all do!

I've got a busy freelance life and while I do illustrations for books, I also write articles and reviews about animation and animated features for a living. I want to go back to work in animation, so I'm trying to get hired as Production Assistant :_)