11 / 13
Jun 2024

Hello, is anyone planning on doing the Global Comic Awards contest?
Is it worth entering the contest? Like all the time and effort creating a short story for this contest?
I entered the Webtoons short story contest a few years ago and was wondering if this is similar.
This is my first time seeing this contest on Tapas, so I don't know if it's new or it has been hosted before.


  • created

    Apr '24
  • last reply

    Jul '24
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my plan is to enter it, working with an artist (I'm an author) but I can't judge whether it's worth it. I've competed in one Tapas competition (the "True Love on Tapas" Competition) and I finished in the top 50 and was offered a contract, so if that's what you're going for, I'd say there is a real turnaround for Tapas competitions. Hope this helps.

I already entered my piece because honestly, it's fun. I love being challenged so I accepted the theme. In the end, I think I wrote a great short story. So far, people like it and it's getting me noticed at least.

I'll try to enter just because it looks fun! Don't really expect anything to come out of it, since I have no experience making comics, but I've always wanted to try so I'm using this as my excuse, haha.

Whether it's worth it depends on what you're looking to gain from the experience. Do you want the big prize, to get some practice, or is it just for fun? From what I've seen, at the very least you can get some more eyes on your work when you enter contests, so there's that. It also depends on how much work you're putting into it. And apparently this is the second time the contest is being done, according to what I saw on CSP.

I might if I can come up with a story that is that short. It's a pretty short number of panels.

I'm on the fence still. Will likely make a last-minute decision one way or the other with exactly enough time remaining to make the thing (minus two weeks) :joy:.

1 month later

I will be entering the Global comic awards short story contest! First episode is releasing this Monday 17 June! Check it out!
It's called, "Last Train to Maydrill"

12 days later

Been mostly following this on the forums this time, but I'll add my entry to the pile:

Didn't really bother with the cover or banner bc it's a scene that takes place further into my main comic bitwam, but I'm quite pleased with finally writing one of those "board game analogy episodes" that I intended to be a reoccurring format with bitwam XD