10 / 83
Nov 2018

Thank you for your help! I'll make sure to remembering your words. ^^

You could say that all of the above is my first time. First time doing anthro, first time doing watercolor, first time doing lineless, and I wasn't really looking at tutorials or model, so basically I don't really know what the heck am I doing. ^^;

I'm still trying them out, and don't do coloring (digital or traditional) often, so I'm kinda stuck in that aspect.

Thank you once again for the tips, and also, your version is very beautiful.

Honestly I love it!

I don't know what to say to make it better I already like it, I think you may need someone professional to give you feedback.

all colors are flat though. would you want to move on to a more painterly style or is this good enough for you?

Oh wow!! I wasn't expecting something so in depth XD
But curses.... perspective

This was really helpful though! The brighter light contrast definitely makes it look better .3. Thank you!
//and also thank you for the compliments lol

Here I go XD my character Keiva. Also your art in your comic is very neat! I like the warm colors :]

Welp hadn't expected that! I use mostly flat coloring because my style tends to fit the very classic European style of comics, I'll use shading, but not too often and usually in completely digital work. :slight_smile:

The recent problem with my art I have faced just today:

I wanted to make this cat looking furry, but instead it looks just fat... :sweat_smile: It has been turned out that I have no idea how to draw fur prettily and efficiently. I've spent a two hours or so to draw all these dashes, but they still look very rough. :thinking:
So I would greatly appreciate an advice from the professional, about how could I draw this dude better!

The skin is too light and samey, don't be scared of using stronger colors, I had to draken everything so I can have more room to shade and highlight areas. The mouth is cute, but too small, made it slightly bigger. the nose was from the wrong angle.

they eyes are stunning, but the eyelashes are too messy, the eyelashes grow on the direction the skin takes. and btw skin wraps around a ROUND eyeball, you can see that on the left corner of the left eye. Also the style of the eyebrows doesn't match the face. you can do a lot with the eyebrows to show an emotion as well, they could be very expressive.

Cool trick: to make sth brighter make things around it darker. which is what I did with the eyes. the top eyelid drops a shadow on the purple, use the shadow to create more contrast around the eyes. I made the nose and eyes a little redder to give the face more emotions.

fixed the shape of the neck. nicks get a little wider as we go down, they don't curve. and finally the coloring of the hair and the lines of the hair are not going together, like two separate people did each without seeing what the other person is doing. colors need to add form to the shape, to show where the hair comes out of and in what direction it's moving. I hope this helps you! your colors are cute I'm sure you can improve so fast!

Here's a summary:

What I can suggest is making the fur patches stick out more rather than making it look ruffled. As someone who's had really fluffy cats, the fur fluffs up on the cheeks and tail, but it grows outward, if you want to I can redline it for you?

How could anyone criticize that??

Me... I would. lol

now I'm not that great with sharp edges, so I'm doing this my style. fur is soft and fluffy anyway so

I didn't finish the whole darn thing but I'm sure you got the idea. grab a bigger soft brush and save yourself the time and effort. I even saved even more time by using the smudge too in photoshop. i never owned a cat so i don't remember how they looked like. I followed your colors placement which was excellent.

BUT WAIT we can take it a step further by adding a new layer on top of it, lower the opacity, set it to multiple, and with a grayish brawn and a semi soft brush...

add a bit more shadows cuz I love me some 3-dimensionality

it's not too heavy, but still adds a little to this

I do have a question about shading and highlights for darker colored skin!

I'm currently using a darker purple for shading because I feel that a darker brown will wash out her face. As for the highlight, I'm not sure how light works on dark skin tones.

Any advice would be appreciated!

not op but one thing I noticed pretty quickly: the sandy haired kid in the 2nd panel seems to have 6 fingers? May want to lop one off xD

Whooa such in-depth critiques, I could use one (ouo)/

Do you mind critiquing this? Especially the hair, I don't think it looks convincing but not sure how to handle it.

Also thanks so much for making this thread, you're so nice to help people out like this ^-^