18 / 32
Jun 2024

Thank you @Nossumy !

I can't believe how much I don't like how the first chapters of my comic look, haha (except for the coloring). They seemed fine when I drew them the first time!

2022 (because that's when I started drawing it, not posting it) vs 2024

Made panels bigger, more expressive, more color, and shading is now on the menu.

Oooh you really grew a lot in a short amount of time!
Your characters really start to have more... well... character in your more recent work!

You really got a lot more dynamic and daring in your art! Also a nice growth in consistent volumes in your characters.

As long as you like her 2024 version best :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

While 9 days isn't a lot, there is a visible improvement. The placement of your facial features is very noticable

maybe not as much, but you can definitely see you're getting better. Characters have more volume to them and you work with more interesting dynamic camera angles in your recent work.

That's a big leap you've made! I can tell you've been practising anatomy in that time.

Made the bold jumo to color I see. As with many, you've definely grown more confidant in your dynamic poses and have become more consistent in your volumes.

Wow nice! Love the jump from the safe, flat posing to the fun dynamic one. Also having your characters physically interact with each other is a big plus.

Nice evolution of color usage!

I can tell! The addition of shading really makes your work pop more. The posing also feels a lot more organic an natural in your recent work.

That's completely normal, I feel the same. One day you would look at the art you're doing now and think the same xD



It may not be much, But I'm really satisfied drawing their current hairstyle, giving Mukhtar (MC) brown eyelashes and it seems I draw more outlines on their clothes, unlike before when it was clean.

Since I did a redo of the 1st chapter for print I might as well!


Same page spread, but from 2024:

I started taking art classes around the 5th chapter and with their help I also redid the 1st issue for local print in Poland. While I'm certain I improved in terms of art quality, I may have gone into the trap of too many closeups lately.

Oh it’s fun to see everyone’s different progress! I actually hadn’t done a side by side comparison in a while, but since college I think my anatomy has def gotten better and my sense of color theory too. But I still like my old drawings, I appreciate what they were.

My faces have gotten more specific, so characters look less similar (this is the same character though but now she looks less like other characters I have)

Same character again, with a sort of similar character in the current art- she’s her alter ego type deal- but def my way of drawing bodies is more fluid now, they were really stiff before.

Now these are my ancient art... done before some of you were even born




Okay, so here's the first version of one of the pages in 6.75 first chapter:

This is how the same scene looked in the final version (pages drawn around 2013, I think?)

...and here's how those characters look in newer chapters:

I think I improved quite a lot with anatomy and poses, especially with my male characters :smiley: here's the difference between chapter 1 and chapter 15, and we're currently at chapter 25 so I hope my drawings go better :smiley:

Here's an actual direct redraw of a Niji Chikara scene:

From 2015:

And from last year:

Wild Nights, Hot and Crazy Days 1994 version. That's Dale (blond buzz cut), me (blue hat) and Rodney (black hair):

WNHCD October 2022 version: I had only recently started drawing again and was still learning how to do digital art with modern software. That's me (on the bike), Jeff (brown hair), Dale (blond buzz cut), and Rodney (black hair):

WNHCD December 2022 version (I was getting more comfortable with the software - also the characters have aged 10 years or so here). Troy (green shirt), me (light blue shirt), Rodney (orange shirt), Derrick (pink shirt), Don (purple shirt), and Mel (yellow shirt):

The final image from WNHCD, and I've gotten better at shading and backgrounds. Troy and I getting married.

Although WNHCD ended, the art evolution continued. My learning continued with Finding Daecon's Way:

My first time drawing Daecon:

And one of the most recent. I have adopted a rougher lineart style and have refined the colouring/shading:

I've also tried my hand at "Chibis", but I also chose a new way of colouring Daecon's white hair and feathers. Instead of using shades of grey I will now use shades of tan:



It's hard to look at my older pages lol but I guess it's a sign of improvement

Here's a comic cover I made in May 2022!

And here's a cover I made in September 2023!

I haven't had the time to recreate my most recent comic cover, but I plan to do so! :smile:

First page of my webcomic from 2019

A redraw I started working on in 2022 but didn't complete. Though I probably should lol

As this is my first comics and a first of actually using color, I like the progress I'm made.


Below is how my art style was when I first started positing webcomics online from my first ever webcomic MK's Jekyll & Hyde (2016):

This is how my art style in present day while doing my current webcomic Psychoborg (2024):

I'm actually planning to do my drawing evolution video, i started drawing long before 2017, but it was in 2017 that i started with digital art, i'm still using the same program "Autodesk Sketchbook" in my phone, it will be a dream to have a big tablet like XPPen, to have more quality, tools, work on photoshop etc like other artists i see on instagram for example