58 / 62
Dec 2018

I have been drawing since I could pick up a pencil, so no I would not call it luck, I just have about 24 years of experience doing it.

Writing is a skill that is taught in school, where as art tends to be less of a focus, in fact it is usually an optional course once you hit middle/junior high school. So I think a lot of us tend to have more experience/ basic writing skills. Which means that yes, artists usually have a baseline writing skill ( since it is a requirement in school) but writers may not necessarily have a baseline artistic skill.

There are a lot of artists who need a writer to either write or help develop their stories.

As many people have already stated you can develop your art skills as well, and in time draw your own comics!

There is no luck involved. Most of us hae drawn our asses off for years to get to whichever skill level we have. There is no luck in hard work.

Next time we will all remember not to associate the word "Luck" to "Artists". :joy:

God these kinds of posts completely set me off.
It's not LUCK and it's rarely TALENT either. It's hard work and dedication. I drew a lot as a kid constantly. I've second guessed my art so many times as well but every single time I've looked at better artists I admire how much hard work was put in to get so far.

You're only looking at the end result and are so ignorant that you never thought about how hard the journey must have been before it got to that stage.

Pick a pencil and try for yourself or shut up. Then you'll see drawing ability has absolutely nothing to do with luck

True.... Now if only I could improve my story-telling and inventing skills XD

Never in a million years did I think the word, “lucky” would cause so many annoyed artists to pop up.

Honestly :joy:. I meant it so casually too lol. Next thing i know I’m getting all these hard working artists popping up like Trump tweets

Yeah, cause we usually won't use the word luck. Maybe chance and practice or hardwork (and in some point, talent), but not luck.

So the reason why many artists take offense to the "compliment" of being called lucky is that by nature it undermines a lot of hardwork and effort that is not often recognized by society, peers, and often family. Many artists aren't recognized for thier practice, dedication, and focus. Im sure you are aware its a path that comes with more discouragement than respect.

You're more than free of-course to speak your peace, but instead of telling others why they're lucky, why not focus on the opportunities and fortunes YOU personally have. There are plenty of things we can be grateful for and sometimes when we focus on talents of others we lose sight of that gratitude.

Instead of telling people that they are lucky ask yourself, what could I be more grateful for and how can I use what I have to better my life.

Just a word to the wise

closed Dec 21, '18

Closing this topic because the point has been made and there is no need to keep it open.

Please keep in mind that not everyone is surrounded by artists and illustrators and is therefore unaware of the issues we usually deal with. There is no reason to get upset or rude, a simple explanation usually does the trick.

Words like "Luck" and "talent" are unfortunately often undermining the years of hard, painful work a person has to go through to become an (often underpaid) illustrator. If you ever want to see a surprised and happy artist, just comment on how much they must have practiced to get where they are at.