12 / 21
Mar 2022

what do you mean? Would you use same plot just with your characters? Or high school drama?

My question is which euphoria are you talking about?

What about you?

What things you will include and exclude from the story?

I won't write something like Euphoria. I am sort of hesitant to watch it due to having a family member who has had issues with drugs and alcohol as well as other family members who deal with issue with alcohol. I have always had issues with scenes in film/TV glorifying substance abuse because of this.

I feel like if you want to write this kind of story, A) Do your research and B) Be tactful and aware you are writing about something that effects people IRL

Innocent question with no intention of offending, by euphoria do you mean a moment of happiness or the abuse of some substance?.

Are you wanting to write a series about substance abuse? I've been working on my series since 2018, which focuses on a main character who abuses cocaine. The "you should research this, make this more realistic" remarks will always come in. No matter how much you researched, no matter how many people with substance abuse issues you've had help look over your work and say it's a good, legit representation. Just be sure to portray things as realistically as you can, and you'll be good. Be sure to rate your episodes mature too.

For the actual show, Euphoria isn't perfect representation and they definitely dramatize some scenes. Though that's more with the weird sexual stuff. For the drug abuse, I personally feel like they've portrayed Rue accurately. And not to spoil, those scenes where they showed her desperate for her drug, going as far as screaming at her family were realistic. There was no glamorizing it or making it seem cool. They showed the scary side of how drugs can change a person into someone they barely recognize.

yes, I want to write a story on such a topic and came here for opinions. but, I am curious about your story :smile:

To be honest and genuinely not step on anyone's toes, either write from personal experience, or have mountains of various research backing up your views in the writings. Especially if you do "this happened in 2021 in Water Town, USA" or something "modern" as a setting.

I want to write from a personal experience and i am mostly focused on psychological aspects of human nature.

I heard people say it is more respectful than other shows/movies on the topic. But it is still something that I don’t really want to watch.

I haven't technically seen Euphoria, bc I just watch it through the eyes of someone reacting to it on Youtube lmao but uhhh, what changes would I make? Hmmm... :thinking:

Age up the kids a bit for them to be in college, get rid of the unnecessary nudity, maybe just focus on everyone directly related to Rue's journey with drugs.. Thaaat's about it?

A lot of the "shock value" the show has kinda feels attributed to all this crazy stuff happening to teens vs. basically adults. And if it's a story that's meant to showcase what Rue goes through, I don't think it should divert the attention to other stuff like the Cassie/Maddie/Nate situation. I get that it's meant to break up the tension from that heavy topic of drugs every now and then, but yea, idk. As for Rue and Jules.. I'm not entirely sure if I'd leave it in or have it be changed. I don't feel too strong about their relationship, so.. eh

Ah, I see. Well, if you write it, please do share! I'd love to check it out. My series is Paint Me a Murder if you'd like to check it out. I can PM the link if you want.

1 month later

closed Apr 10, '22

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