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Oct 2018

What software do you prefer for drawing your comic?

I do all my work in Clip Studio paint. I was told to do text/bubbles in Illustrator over photoshop.

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    Oct '18
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For drawing, Clip Studio- easier on my computer since Photoshop lags a lot, in my experience. Whether it’s a 16gb or 6gb ram computer (i have both), Clip Studio always worked faster and better for me. It’s created for drawing comics so to me drawing there is a better experience. That said, I’ve drawn my fair share of comics in Photoshop and it’s okay. I do love the filters and especially the text tool. Never use the text tool in CSP (it sucks) :sob::sweat_smile:

Anyway i do like 95% work in CSP and 5% in Photoshop (editing colors & text).

Here's a link to a poll I made a few weeks ago on the topic -

CSP seems to be somewhat more popular. Personally I use CSP too.

I don't mind it but I have little to compare it to.

Would be nice if it spellchecked though.

May I ask what specific features the Photoshop text tool has that CSP doesn't? I've heard a lot of people say that CSP's text tool is terrible, but like @skicoak and probably many others I don't have a point of comparison.

I do everything on photoshop :v ive never used Clip Studios. (Is there a price difference?) Ive made photoshop work for me and I’m sure some things might take a little longer in comparison but the fillters and editing tools make it so worth it.

I second about the illustrator, it's muuuch better to do the bubbles and lettering :heart:

You just have to copy paste the bubble and adjust it with the arrow and voilá, no quality/resolution lost

im not a fan of adobe - their business model is so unreasonable. i cant really say what its like for drawing though

i do reaaaaaaally like csp! although yeah, its text tool is crappy

CSP is much cheaper than Photoshop...especially if you wait for one of their frequent sales.

I only use CSP for lineart. Everything else on PS. Part of the reason is that I'm more familiar with PS's tools. I do think Illustrator is the best for text but for me using two programs are enough XD

Photoshop’s text tool is just more intuitive and easier.

-Text placement automatically adjusts (wraps around) the bounding box that you have placed. In CSP, I have to keep pressing enter to go the next line and it becomes annoying if you have long text/dialogue. May seem like a small thing, but PS saves me a lot time, and halfway through when you decide to change the arrangement of text you can do so really easily in PS, while I have to retype the entire thing in CSP due to the format being wack.

-You can adjust kerning (space between letters). I think you can do this in CSP too? But it’s not intuitive and requires more adjustments, last time I looked.

-In PS, you can do curved or warped text by using vector lines and the warp tool really easily without rasterizing the layer, unlike CSP.

(But honestly, the first point is my main issue with CSP)


Again, these are things that may not be a big deal to some, but as someone who’s used a superior text tool (and has a thing against really bad text kerning and leading) I cannot recommend CSP’s text tool :laughing: Still my fave drawing program though.

I've never tried CSP yet, but have PS so that's what I use xD I'm not super good with it by any means, but have been using it since ~2010 so I'm familiar with a good amount of the tools :> I will say though, starting making comics with it has introduced me to a bunch of tools/functions I never knew existed, having mostly used it for architecture renderings and image editing before xD;;

Long live to CSP.
I once used to use photoshop, then switched to Clip Studio Paint EX and omg, PS is now forever gone for my art xD
I find CSP sooo very easy to use/understand and somehow even richer than PS sometimes!
Def my favorite software for comics and illustrations :heart_decoration:


CSP for drawing, PTS for photo editing
I almost only use CSP to draw these days, but still use PTS to add text

Clip wins by default for me because subscription based software is against my principles and prior to that my reward for paying for a legal copy of CS3 was to have my home address and credit card details leaked by Adobe.

More pragmatically, I still like Clip better for the most part, mainly because of the vector freehand tool which is the first vector drawing tool I've actually liked. Vector eraser, redraw line, etc are just the icing on the cake. I will admit Clip is very lacking in Photoshop style filters and effects which does kind of suck, as does the fact you can't do anything with a text layer unless you rasterise it. I hope they address both of those things. Oh, and some of the fancier brushes (like the ones where you can blend strokes into previous ones) can be really really slow and laggy!

Ironically the thing that drew me to Clip in the first place (the virtual mannequin) is a feature I never use.

CSP 1000%
It just feels so nice to work in, and has 99% of the tools I need right at my fingertips (as well as a lot that I don't lol). Also love to browse the clip studio store and get more free cool things.

I will always prefer one time payments over subscription models anyway.

The only thing I miss from Photoshop is the liquify filter. Very useful for digital painting.

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