21 / 29
Sep 2022

Yeah, I totally agree.

I also feel folks don't need to be part of the umbrella to write for the umbrella. So it'd probably be better for people not to announce themselves (I mean, unless I guess if they really wanna make it known or something) so that people who aren't in said umbrella don't feel like they can't respond here.

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Heya I barely am on social media, but I actually started to post now a bit on instagram and plan to post there more

also can follow on kofi if you wanna, it looks so sad with 0 XD

planning on posting on both my characters drawings I commission =) hope people will like to see that =D

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(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

Heyyy lol I haven't gotten to the gay part yet but it plays a huge role in my comic

I am a lesbian and most of my characters are LGBT as well

1 month later

closed Oct 27, '22

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