6 / 22
Sep 2020

Clippy Points are used to buy assets from the Clip Studio Asset Shop. A lot of the assets are free, but some of them can be bought with gold or with clippy points.

That said, you can also earn clippy points by posting your own assets.

Does anyone here have assets posted? List them here.

I might have some bonus clippy this month. Maybe 300 clippy?

It will take weeks to build up, I would prefer to spend it out to Tapas creators.

Clippy is what people just said. Gold is another form of currency that you buy with money. Both are used to buy assets from the asset store.

You can also get 15 free Clippy every day of September, by clicking on the launcher's login bonus area.

Does anyone know what the three different options in Clip Studio get you?

[Create FanZine]
[Export EPub Data]
[Publish Comic For Kindle]

Not digging this Clippy thing...some of the assets/materials I want to get are Clippy points only. If the Clippy points are hard to get then I'll never be able to get the stuff I want.

On the other hand, I'm actually enjoying Clippy right now :sweat_smile:

Normally coins costs like, $10.00 for 1000 coins.
But to get their new membership, it costs 200 coins. You also get 1200 Clippy points with that membership.

So I've actually been able to buy more stuff with less money since they rolled out Clippy. (Because most people who would've charged 50 for their asset, let's say.. Will now charge 100 Clippy or 50 of the original currency. It's nice if you were going to pay anyways!)

Side topic: pricing.

I bought a cheap intous and got a free copy of Clip Studio Paint. I got almost no assets, but liked CSP.

Four months ago I bought a version at full price. I like the access to assets and some other features.

For the next couple days, I could buy it at half price (and get bonus clippy and gold). $109?

If I see about my account in CSP, it says I can buy membership for $70~ish a year.

What does paying membership get me?

Any thoughts?

What membership is this? Your account is supposed to be free already once you've gotten CSP. What are you paying for?

There is the Gold membership, but that's mostly for getting clippy points to get paid assets. There's also the option to buy gold for assets, but that's another optional choice. When you go on to the store, most of it is free assets. So you don't really need the gold membership (it's just nice to have IF you want certain paid assets).

And you find the shop from your CSP launcher or by going to the URL. Long as you have the account, you have access:

Are you using a PC desktop or an IPad? If it's an IPad, then yeah -- there is that subscrption for $10 a month. But if it's a PC desktop, it should be the one payment, and then it's optional to pay for assets or that gold membership. You shouldn't have to pay to use the asset shop if you're not trying to get paid assets.

During first few days of their sale, they were going to throw in Gold Membership.
That offer is gone.

Has anyone gotten the gold membership? Did you like it?

It seems like you might get five months of membership for pretty cheap (unless the cost to but gold fluctuates).

It might be the thing I was talking about, the 200 GOLD to 1 month membership. This is what it looks like on my web browser, and it says I'm a gold member. You can read more about it there too, but I only got it for the Clippy. (You get 1500 a month, unless you keep it going for awhile)

200 GOLD is about the equivalence of $2 USD.

Is there a site or forum, where people request image assets?

This question is open to all.

20 days later
2 months later

In Clip Studio Paint for the remainder of 2020: if you download the newest version of CSP and login you can get a limited CLIPPY bonus.

Up to fifteen times until the end of the month, you will get 15 CP (clippy points) as a daily login bonus.

11 days later

Recommending an asset in CSP.

The free wavy hair brush by Jenny-Toons.

Who else has uploaded content in Clip Studio Paint?

Wish I would have seen this earlier lol, I didn't notice it was happening until 3 days ago.

Oh well. Most of my clippy comes from my gold membership anyway.