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Sep 2020

I want to start by saying please be respectful I had a lot of smart a$$ comments in the past that have not been helpful I worked really hard on this so please keep that I mind. I would really appreciate a review and any in site in promoting comics bc I really had some bad experiences in the forums but hopefully I can find new people to talk about my comic with.

my story is about An 18 crime boss Melvin, wants to make up for his criminal past enters the Lion's Den to be reborn as a crimefighter called a ghost who goes on this spiritual journey fighting the devil and his demons to save the world


  • created

    Sep '20
  • last reply

    Sep '20
  • 3


  • 560


  • 4


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Okay, I'll give you some advice, just please stop spamming the forum with new topics constantly. I can see you're impatient to get attention and feedback for your work, and I sympathise, but the first lesson to learn here is that improving and making a good comic that gets people's attention will both take time.

You are still very new to making comics, and the areas you need to work on are your fundamental basics. Get a copy of the book "Making Comics" by Scott McCloud and read it all the way through. Try to spend a bit of time every day doing drawing practice of people. The book "Figure Drawing for All its Worth" by Loomis can be found as a free PDF here (Warning before clicking link, this book does content some light artistic nudity1), so read that too and spend some time on anatomical studies.
Read lots of comics and pay attention to things like how they place characters in panels and environments to create pleasing compositions. Try to incorporate the use of a variety of "establishing shots" (shots far away that show the characters at a distance with scenery) "mid shots" (zoomed in closer to show just the interaction between characters or a person's actions or body language) and "close ups" (zoomed right in on just the character's face to show their expressions and emotions) in your work.

Best of luck on your comics making journey.

I like Youtube as well but then again it works for me cause I prefer chibis. I found a bunch of channels where you can draw step by step with them.I know they are directed at kids but it still helps me alot.

You should add more backgrounds to your panels. So it doesn't appear that the characters are floating in empty space. Trees, buildings, and roads can help make your panels look more full and complete. You did a little bit of that in the van cline episode you just need to work more on shading and adding texture to the background. Another thing to work on is transitioning from one scene to another. When I was reading your webcomic I wasn't sure if each chapter was a different story or a continuation. There wasn't much of a cohesive flow it was more like every chapter had a new character being introduced. So it doesn't give time for the reader to process what's really going on. You should slow the pace down a bit and visually show how the characters go from one area to another. So you don't have to write a lot of info in the narration dialogue. Also, you don't have to label it narrator. If you're speaking in third person omniscient it will hint to the readers that its a narration. I like the color choices for the characters and skin tone variation. I also like the fight poses and clothing of the characters. I really feel like your story has potential you just have to organize the plot better and work on the art bit more. If you want a good example for your webcomic I recommend looking at the boxer on webtoons.

I'm going to subscribe to your webtoon, I'm really curious about your story and how you will work to improve on it.