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Sep 2015

Because there's a dearth of forum games here...

So, pretty simple game, a poster makes a wish, then the person below corrupts it and hen makes their own wish. For example:

Billy-Bob- I wish for fish

Cletus- Granted, the fish is a shark and eats you.
I wish for world peace.

....And so on. Got it? Now...

I wish I was a cat.

You are a cat who walks outside and is promptly hit by a car.

I wish for a donut.

Suddenly you are hit from behind by a car that was doing a doughnut after unknowingly hitting a strange cat.

I wish for a one hundred dollar bill.

The hundred dollar bill is a fake from Monopoly.

I wish for a unicorn.

You forget her, him, it, everyone including yourself.

I wish for immortality!

You live to see everyone you ever knew die. You eventually are buried in a landslide where you are trapped in a claustrophobic nightmare grave; starving, suffocating, and unable to move or scratch that itch behind your ear for billions of years until the sun explodes. You are forced to endure unimaginable heat, suffering a pain the human mind is not meant to endure. You then float across a cold and empty universe alone for all eternity.

I wish I was the king of the world!

Your nice hat sends you to Slytherin.

I wish for a better way of understanding subatomic physics.

Finding out a better way to understand subatomic physics eventually kills you in the process.

I wish for a better sense of humor.

Your better sense of humour makes people laugh so much several die from lack of oxygen and you're now on trail for manslaughter.

I wish I wasn't so sleepy all the time.

Your newfound sense of humor is so profound and cutting edge no one gets it and you die a misunderstood genius.

I wish to back in time and become a cocaine drug lord in miami circa 1981.

Your cocaine dealing makes your cocaine habit turn into a cocaine addiction, but you can't seek help since that would involve turning yourself in

I wish I could bring Shakespeare back to life!

Shakespeare has been revived by the means of black magic. Unfortunately he's a zombie and other zombies have been revived, so now there's a apocolyps in action. Also you got bit.

I wish my cat could fly.

Your beloved cat flew away and never came back D:

I wish to be a multi-billionaire.

After winning the lottery/finding a secret oil well, tou become a multi-billionaire. However, random people from everywhere start to try to get at your money.

I wish Halloween was here already.

You are now the proud owner of a refurbished Blackberry phone. Don't you look like a business-guy!

I wish for a teleportation device.

you teleport out into space and wander the void of the cosmos, eventually freezing over and dying.

I wish for an elephant.

You get one, but how the heck are you going to care for such a huge animal?!

I wish I was famous.