370 / 488
Jul 2016

Granted but now you don't have a job and you are engulfed by student loans.

I wish oblivion stopped crashing.

Granted, but you can't add any mods to it now.

I wish I became a supervillain again in order to recreate my sandwich that tasted so good and succeeded.

You become the supervillan, but before you can recreate your sandwich, Man-spider thwarts you.

I wish I was man-spider.

Granted, but you die as soon as you thwart someone.

I wish for my fucking sandwich.

You get you (bleep) sandwich but it happens to be a witch made out of sand (sand-witch). She turns you into dog poo and you get stepped on... The End.
I wish that this wish wouldn't be corrupted...

You got your ducking sandwich, but I stole it.

I wish I could eat this sandwich in peace (pls ;-;)

You eat the sandwich in peace but afterwards you cursed by the sandwich and must eat all sandwiches in an airplane filled with crying infants.

I wish I actually knew how to use wrye bash

You know how to use whatever the bleep 'wyre bash' is. But the government turns it into an espionage device and use it to spy on you. (Look out for 'wyre bashes' before you shower!)

I Trump gets elected. (Corrupt this please!)

Trump gets elected and now it's World War Three.
I wish I never need to use the bathroom at night

Granted, you now pee/poop in your bed at night.

I wish for a Fully functional delicious sandwich generator that never runs out of sandwiches and never breaks.

Granted! However, no one wants to eat your 'delicious' sandwiches and your house fills up with sandwiches. Flies and insects come for miles and bite, sting, and eventually kill you.

I wish the everyone could forget about borders and remove them. (You don't see borders from space do you?)

Granted, everyone forgot about the borders because there's no one to remember the borders. Everyone is dead.

I wish for the same thing I wished for previously but that generator is all for me, I ain't sharing it with anyone!

You get the generator and you don't share it with anyone. An angry mob comes to your door steals your machine and beats you to death. (Or maybe it's kill you then take the generator?) The End

Me wish for a non-poisoned, very soft, totally harmless cupcake.

You not only got a good grade in math, but you excelled at all math classes, getting into a fantastic college and graduating in game theory.

You now work at the NSA where all you do every day is break into innocent peoples' cell phones and are forced to look at pictures of folks you find very unattractive in various states of undress.

I wish the "Wishmaster" movie series never happened.

Granted it never happened, but in turn all the star wars movies have jar jar binks.

I wish I had a tomato

Granted. You get the tomato... thrown at your face.

I wish my pens would stop running out of ink.

Your pens never run out of ink... so now they constantly leak ink all the time...

I wish for a temperature controlled bed...

Granted, you have a temperature controlled bed but there's only two settings, Schorching lava or Absolute Zero

You know what I want...