

Apr 25, '16
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Jan 2, '17
Feb 23, '17
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My rules would be: the one asking the wish must speak in the form of a haiku with correct grammar and formatting.

If you were a genie what would be the rules on your three wishes? Examples would be Must be said in a question Can't raise the dead Can't kill Can't create matter Must be for the good of man etc.

You stop losing things, but in turn you start gaining things, including bounties on your head for suspected theft. Shouldn't have stole from that art museum. I wish the art museum forgave me

This thread reaches 500 then 100 then 1000 then 10000 until it breaks a hole in reality from too many posts. I wish I didn't have ELA homework

You get all A's , and you end up becoming the president but as you get indoctrinated you are assassinated by ash because he never got his sandwich I want time

You get to go to mars... bars world for three days. I want a mars bar

Granted it never happened, but in turn all the star wars movies have jar jar binks. I wish I had a tomato

You choke on the totally harmless cupcake. I wish that I got a good grade in math.

You eat the sandwich in peace but afterwards you cursed by the sandwich and must eat all sandwiches in an airplane filled with crying infants. I wish I actually knew how to use wrye bash

You get a time paradox, game over. I wish for my ducking sandwich (quack quack)

You become the supervillan, but before you can recreate your sandwich, Man-spider thwarts you. I wish I was man-spider.

Granted but now you don't have a job and you are engulfed by student loans. I wish oblivion stopped crashing.

You die on mars, but everyone on the planet decides to never leave the planet again, and never see your sexy body. I wish I had 20 dollars in my steam wallet.

Someone subscribes to your comic, but they never read it... non-hypocrite. I wish ash got his/her sandwich

Trump wins... the award for eating the most hotdogs. I wish I had a hotdog

You are famous but the kind where you are on the most wanted list kind of famous and you get shot on sight. I wish I had a CD

you get a panic room but before you can get in it a giant cookie lands on you. I wish my internet stopped freaking out every five minutes

Granted but they all start saying dad jokes and puns at the same time. I wish that i had the sandwich

Granted but some hackers hack into the augmentation and activate a kill switch to destroy all augs. I wish my spore file didn't get lost

You can only move things that weigh less than a milligram. I wish that I didn't have to go to the orthodontist

You can only fly in reserved air spaces and get shot down whenever you lift off I wish I had some pie

GRanted now you are unemployed because you failed every subject but math I wish I could complete the pokedex

They are all the same game and have no originality I wish for a working mouse

You get the soda but you become addicted to it and then all you do is drink soda you don't do anything else just soda. I wish for more plushies

You are the best but now you have nothing else to do and all you do is catch pidgeys in pokemon go seeing as that is the only thing available to you now. I wish the pokemon go servers were up

Granted but you can only teleport to the last place you had a cheese calzone with extra mushrooms and ghost peppers. I wish I could git gud

You are killed by a lvl 96 dragon knight I wish animals could talk

You get the flower but it attracts all the bees and the bees sting you because you are in possession of the greatest flower in all of bee kind. I wish for cats. just cats only cats the world is cats

Granted but other you is psychotic murderer who kills you with his sight and hangs your face on his wall of other selves. I wish for more hours in the day.

Your senpai notices you, but she notices you when you are failing at sports and judges you immensely. I wish prequel would update more.