11 / 19
Aug 2023

I always put my title pages as a single page update at the start of a chapter. It gives me a much-needed break from drawing full two-page updates for a week! :sweat_02:

Not really, back when I did traditional comic format I was barely starting so I wasn't keeping in mind

"Hey I have to put a title in here, I'm going to arrange my page's composition so its in harmony with it"

I simply thought it looked ugly so I would put the chapter Title in a separate page, probably with a fullpage decorative illustration or maybe just keeping it blank.

Same here, I lose space or the title is small and the whole page looks cramped because of it

I've done both. Sometimes I like to start every chapter with a big establishing shot and IMO there's plenty of real estate in something like that to house the title.

Sometimes I want more artsy covers, so I draw separate. But honestly I think I lean more towards the first one. I don't wanna draw extra illustrations if I don't have to. Comic making is already time-consuming enough. ><

For my novel I put the title of the chapter and related image at the top of each update:

Usually I put the title on for each chapter on the 21th page




But I put this one for a future special chapter after the intro (WIP)

So far I've been putting them all on the 21th because it fitted well, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep it as a constant factor in the chapters

I don't put it on the first page - since Splitting Image is more cartoon inspired, it has a cold open, then it opens with the chapter title. Because of that integration, there's no chapter covers at all!

Yeah, basically. This is how the episode titles of my novel are formatted. Looking at this now, I wonder why I wrote the title twice.

Edit: I realized that was because I used to not have the titles actually on the covers, but fixed that last year. Now I changed all my title pages to look like this.

Well, each chapter of my comic is a single four-panel page. But I put the title on top right.

I make whole-ass illustrations for my title page lol. They take up one update. It's a fun break and it gives a bit of a buffer. I can make prints of them in the future.

Nah, I usually do whole separate cover pages for chapter titles. It gives the readers a bit of a break, and is a good "bookmark" of sorts.

Long post

I do illustrations for the new chapter who starts and write there the title.

Oh, I go full on rendered illustration for my chapter covers!

I have a 2 month hiatus between chapters (as in 40-70 pgs) since they're long an I need a break. But when I come back with a nice cover (that hints to what's happening that chapter) and more pages than usual, people tend to be hyped for updates! I've seen proof of this with how people respond to a new chapter coming out :smug_01:

Usually my chapter titles are at the bottom of chapter covers, sometimes when there's crosspage covers the chapter title is under the comic title, and sometimes they're on a panel when there's no chapter covers. I'm following manga's way.

Love this thread!

I put them in the first page of the chapter. I'm a little annoyed I forgot to do one for my current arc since that would've saved us a day.

I actually plan to put them at the end of the previous chapter :stuck_out_tongue:

(Also, is your comic inspired by Girls' Last Tour? :eyes:)

... I gotta admit I never thought about just putting the title in the corner, so I've been doing whole chapter pages up until now xD