10 / 18
Sep 2020


I was reading a lot of comics and novels, but when I get to read some Slice of Life Drama, it's totally boring for me. And even more boring, if they are written way, that 5 episodes is only "a lot of talking", where characters do totally nothing (I'm even often lost, and feel sad, bored, sleepy and like "What the hell am I doing with my life"... Do You have same feel, or how do You feel about Slice of Life genre in general?

I ask it, because I today tried to read new series on webtoon American Road Trip by Patrick Flores-Scott / Little Corvus11 and was totally bored already in ep 1.

I totally feel, like reading:

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I mean... I often find it boring personally, but I guess it's a "different strokes for different folks" thing. Some people love slice of life, and that's great! Good for them! Most soap operas are basically slice of life, and I guess most sitcoms would qualify, and I adore a good sitcom, so I suppose like anything, I can enjoy a well-written Slice of Life with compelling characters and good story or episode arcs.
It's probably just that I have a lower threshold for getting bored by lower-quality or very slow-paced slice of life. Some people have a low threshold for action and find endless fights boring sooo... yeah I can't really judge! :sweat_02:

I also don't like endless fights in action, but it's better that this... My most favourite comics that are also comic that they strain me and get me in story, so I feel like character in it. For example I'm the Grim Reaper, Mystical, Urban Animal, Uhriah, World ruled by cats, and similiar, I feels from them really good vibe. But SoL is totally like idk, it has feeling like when You slow down time so much, that, even fish in aquarium is much more action.

I don't think slice of life/drama is boring, necessarily. But I will admit that I usually prefer it combined with other things, like slice of life/fantasy, or even slice of life/action.

If it's written well, I find it cute, endearing, and relaxing. (And this is coming from someone who writes sci-fi and horror lol!)

As someone who watches/reads a lot of dramas and slice of Life type stuff, it really just depends on the content. Sometimes it’s not that interesting for me, and sometimes I love it. I also like action, but it really just depends what I’m in the mood for.

Well, for me, I would say that, more than 90% of SoL are not well written (or totally boring). For example, from all Slice of Life original series on Webtoon I read only Meow Man, and had read Your letter. That's all. And even these two are my less favourite comic I have subbed/read... nearly at border, where I would say "Good"bye to them. Yes, I saw few good Slice of Life combined with romance or supernatural/fantasy, that was not totally boring, but I think, they are only few from millions.

Good slice of life stories thrive on empathy for the characters and what they're going through. That's why comedies are often more accessible than dramas.

Dramas tend to require more patience from the readers, but if they're done well and the reader has a good sense of empathy, they can be really gripping. But notably, most dramas work way better with little bits of comedy throughout, because jokes help you connect to the characters.

It's also why fantasy/sci fi dramas work well. You're pulled in by the world building first, and get to know the characters that way.

But yeah, there's no universal drama that will work for everyone. And seriousness/subject matter varies greatly. I personally don't like stories of constant suffering. I need something that is ultimately uplifting. I call those 'Upwards Drama', though it might have an official name already.

The problem it's that most are just school drama, right? that's targeted for teens but my fav slice of life are a mix of genres (I would consider Jojo's Diamond Is Unbreakable as a slice of life until Kira appears)
or if you want a more western example I would say Hey Arnold! was one of the best cartoons about life lessons.
Personally I'm writing a Slice of life that it's "relatable" for teens and young adults entering their's 16-24 years. And it has comedy and some good stuff hehe

EDIT: I forgot to add Aggretsuko here, it's one of the best slice of life at this moment at least for me!

For example R.U. Screwed has some Slice of Life in it, and I really like it. I'm not saying that every Slice of Life is boring, because genre itself is. But I just feel like there are only few high quality SoL from milions. And a lot of are on other side of quality rope, when You just going to die from how bored You are, while reading them. I agree, when it's writtten well, it can be propably good, but it's really rare to see well written SoL.

Each to their own I guess. :sweat_smile:

I read your example and... I actually thought it was kinda cute. :joy: When he turned into a little ant because he felt small. :ant: I didn't think it was boring, but I do prefer stories with action or magic elements. :+1:

Dark comedy slice of life is always interesting. But normally, I'm not into that genre. More of an action comedy kinda guy.
I attempted to write one for a little while called Office Drone where the main character just got dumped on by the drudgery of working a dead end job.

I prefer if the people whose lives are focused on are interesting, is the main point.

Like Alaskan Bush People is technically slice of life. It's a show documenting the lives of one family trying to live off-grid and away from civilization. Not only is their lifestyle different from the mainstream, but each member of the family of 9 is unique and contributes something different to the family's efforts that it's hard for me to get bored watching them.

Haha ouch, I feel like this is directed at me since my comic is a slice-of-life drama. :')

As a reader though, I can understand the lack of appeal. Real life is boring, we live it everyday, so it's hard to pull off well in fiction and often times it can be a really boring read. Fiction is usually about escapism, exploring ourselves and lives we wish to have in ways we can't in real life. I myself don't usually get into those types of comics unless they're really depressing or horrifying, more tragedies, thrillers and horror-esque rather than dramas.

So, yes and no. I don't mind serious slice-of-life stories, but they have to be a very specific type.

Slice of life is one of the most character driven comics.

So i would say that a slice of life is as interesting as the characters and their dynamics.

I have a slice of life comic but generally I agree with you :rofl: I love dialogue but I do find the execution in a lot of SoL stories to be incredibly dull.

answering the question: No. It's not boring. There is not too many SoL comics, moste of them are romances.