32 / 50
Aug 2021

Many of them do. My sis and dad read them and i show them all my art, since they're very artsy themselves. My mum doesn't get it too much but she's supportive nonetheless.

I kinda shove my art in the face of my friends from time to time like "LOOK AT MY CHILDREN" and some of them, who either are into comics or are super supportive, actually read the comic from time to time which is super sweet

And my gf is like my number 1 fan so she definitely reads it x'D I show them all the scripts and pages and she helps me with future plot decisions™. She knows all my stories, I know hers, we just help each other out a lot and gush about how we love our characters so much hahahaha
Hearing her scream at the panels like "ALPHONSE YOU LOOK SO HANDSOME AAAAA" brings me all the joy and motivation I could ever ask for

My Sister and a couple of friends read mine..though dont quite get it.
My wife reads my comic (and is kind of my editor) she knows how everything ends and is the only reason I will continue to make videos also.
She wants to see what happens next.
Its nice! XD

My mum does! She's enjoying it so far, and she sometimes leaves embarrassing comments on Webtoon with my childhood pet names in them. :cry_02:

I love her. :two_hearts:

Oh, and my partner does! I was actually surprised about that, I thought he just read chunks of episodes as I work on them, but no - apparently he reads them when I'm not at home. :yellow_heart:

I usually separate my comic hobbies with personal life. they'd probably be supportive, but i just like having my "comic creator life" all to myself without dealing with extra questions + pressure. kind of like Peter Parker.

my family doesn't speak english so that also makes things easier :sweat_smile:

I make it publicly available on my twitter and I tell people that I know IRL but like the only time my friends told me they read is when one was like "Hey are you OK???? Your art looks kinda scary right now." lololol

So I think they do (enough to like my tweets) but like are never going to comment because that would require getting a Tapas/webtoon account.

Yeah, they read them. My mom's even a patron.

And we really like doing art anyhow: dad makes music, uncle does photography, mom used to sing, etc. Not a big surprise that I like making comics.

They ARE pleasantly surprised that I can do so much with a computer and tablet (they're still used to seeing comics done traditionally, but they're getting there!)

My mum was my first reader! And my Dad snuck peaks which embarrassed the heck out of me...LOL. I did post to FB so family and friends know, but I'm only aware of one person who's reading it LOL.

My brother @Larslaustsen do
I have a cousins that reads and does editing.
I have a cousin that is an artist and reads.
I have another cousin’s daughter that is an artist and helping me out from time to time.
My two kids are reading. One is an artist and the other is writing stories.
My wife is an editor.
I have several real-life day-job co-workers following me and some of my characters are built on them.

So... I guess

My family and friends are extremely supportive, my brothers and cousins were the first fans of Rocky the Rock and my nephews were the first fans of Superduperdoopyclub. Which project/s they follow out of the three comics i am making varies a lot depending of their personal taste.

My family doesn't read my novels, mostly because they don't speak English (we're French) but I also don't really speak about it to them. Except for one of my sisters. With her, I tell her about my novels and she's really supporting so it's cool

20 days later

I read it to my mom from time to time (she doesn’t speak english) otherwise, no

My friends and my colleagues do but my parents don’t (they’re really supportive, but they just aren’t into comics and sequential art).

I don't show it to my family because me family are the most judgemental people. I think my parents are eager to read my stuff but I think they are expecting it to be more like the comic Mutts. So inoffensive and super wholesome.

My siblings don't really care. My little brother also draws comics yet I never read them. Maybe if he wasn't so shy I could do a collab with him IDK.

I do tell people I meet I write a comic and I do sometimes send links. Tho I don't think they read them at all.

Some friends and family read em-- most don't. I don't really ever expect em to. They're not typically the audience for my work and I don't really feel the need to push it on them. I do give my parents first editions of whatever books I have in print and they always ask in every phone call "So, what are you working on?" I think its more that they just want to be sure I'm working still and earning money not so much interested in the actual comics which is more than alright by me!

My significant other is also a full time cartoonist and we read all of each other's work. Usually in a kinda editing capacity before things go through an actual editor. Sometimes it's just punching up each other's jokes. I think we're probably each other's biggest fans. Or maybe we're just trapped together and its Stockholm syndrome!! :sweat_smile:

I would kill to have a family member who draws comics. I would force them to collab even if it was terrible. >:~)

my online friends xD no one from real life. Oh! now my husband will read my new project when i finish it xD he read script and want to see how it will look in comic

well my family just doesn´t undertand it since it´s in english lmao and some friends read it, and I think it´s good since they can also share my story to get to more people
the thing is that they mostly use webtoon besides that they introduced the app to me so I appreciate their support :blusht::smile_01: