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Aug 2023

In all sense of the word; how do you feel about "being extra" with your comic? Adding bonus chapters (after the end) maybe having another book dedicated to the comic or novel but yet and still it's a supplementary (?) Thing and not a sequel, or maybe even 4th wall breaks and drastic author's notes?

I probably didn't explain any of this right, but basically when a author goes into great detail (like say AFTER a story finished, then they still do character profiles or something similar to this) with a story: do you find it a little much? Or do you think "Ah! I liked the story, this should be fun" or what?

  • created

    Aug '23
  • last reply

    Aug '23
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  • 13


I generally like them. Especially the Q&A stuff which helps author learn more about characters and are usually fun interactions. They're good for in-between chapter buffers since they can be scrappy.

One of my odd pet peeves are the bonus BTS where the characters are "actors" playing their characters in the main story. They kind of ruins my immersion lol

For my comic, I have post-chapter "lore dumps" which is written by one of my story's MC, just to flush some semi-important worldbuilding stuff that I don't want cluttering up the main narrative. Readers get a lot more out of my story if they read it, but it's not necessary

literally making intermissions and a special chapter for a secondary character's background

Cool, how did it turn out? Or
are you still working on it?

I used to do something like this, but not whole chapters

Basically, yeah :stuck_out_tongue: The only time I'm ever against extras is if it seems like the creator is doing too many of them during the story, which feels disruptive and like they could be using that time to advance the actual story (not that I don't get the urge to get distracted by extras :sweat_02:)

I put extras in between chapters, because making my pages is hard work, and usually after about 15-20 weeks of non-stop work, I need a few weeks off! I don't put them in the middle of chapters, because it interrupts the flow and sets a precedent of "sometimes when you're excited for a page of this comic, you just get an extra" that might make people stop clicking notifications and affect performance.

I think if they're in-between chapters, so it's established this is "not canon", you can have characters acting like they know they're in a comic. It can be a nice bit of light relief. In extras, I put a lot of things like me, the creator, talking directly to the audience, characters reacting to fanart of themselves, that sort of thing. I also put things that are books that might exist in-universe that can explain more complex, optional lore too.
In the book version, all of these sorts of things go at the back of the book so that the reading experience is smoother.